Название: RadCom Номер: 5 Издательство: RSGB Год: 2017 Страниц: 100 Формат: PDF Размер: 50.4 Мб Язык: English "RadCom" - журнал радиолюбительского сообщества Великобритании (Radio Society of Great Britain - RSGB) и ежемесячно рассылается членам RSGB. Это крупнейший журнал радиолюбительской тематики в Великобритании и один из крупнейших в мире.
RadCom is the Radio Society of Great Britain Members' magazine and is sent free every month to Members of the Radio Society of Great Britain. RadCom has the largest amateur radio readership in the UK and is respected throughout the world.
News and Reports Around Your Region - Club events calendar 83 Around Your Region - Events roundup 86 Club of the Year - 1st place Small Club winners 91 Committee reports 43 New products 14 News 12 RSGB Matters 6 Islands on the Air update, Roger Balister, G3KMA 62 YOTA 2017, meet the team 16 Advertisers index 93 Antennas, Mike Parkin, GOJMI 28 ATV, Dave Crump, G8GKQ 32 GHz bands, Dr John Worsnop, G4BAO 60 HF, Martin Atherton, G3ZAY 54 Members' ads 94 Propagation, Gwyn Williams, G4KFH 82 Rallies & events 95 Sport radio, Steve White, G3ZVW 64 The last word 97 VHF / UHF, Richard Staples, G4HGI 58 Book review. Giles Read G1MFG 65 Technical Features Acronyms and Abbreviations 90 Design notes, Andy Talbot, G4JNT 46 Homebrew, Eamon Skelton, EI9GQ 18 Multiband inverted V antennas, the downsides, Dr Brian Austin, GOGSF 72 Multimeter breakout box, Geoff Theasby, G8BMI 44 Rejecting broadcast station interference, Dr Bob Whelan, G3PJT 68 Features Arkwright youngsters get a taste of amateur radio 66 Autumn dates for your diary 53 GBOWN for British Science Week, Adam Hicks, M60LT 48 SOS Radio Week 42 Taking part in the 1.8MHz WAB contest, Ian Moth, G4MBD 40 Trying your hand in the new 2m FM Activity Contests 24
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