Название: Stereophile Издательство: The Enthusiast Network Magazines, LLC Год / месяц: August 2016 Номер: Vol.39 No.8 Язык: Английский Формат: PDF Размер: 27.39 MB Страниц: 124
Stereophile - авторитетный американский журнал, посвященный аудиотехнике классов HI-FI и HI-END: обзоры и статьи, рейтинги. В каждом номере - усилители, проигрыватели дисков и винила, аудиоколонки, стойки для аппаратуры, аксессуары.
Every month Stereophile magazine offers authoritative reviews, informed recommendations, helpful advice, and controversial opinions, all stemming from the revolutionary idea that audio components should be judged on how they reproduce music.
В номере:
Michael Fremer may be Stereophile's Mr. Analog but he was mightily impressed with the Moon 780D digital processor from Simaudio, which never meets a source of data it can't turn into music. Herb Reichert gets excited by an affordable tube preamp from Rogue, as does Fred Kaplan over an expensive VTL tube preamp; and Art Dudley and John Atkinson get much musical enjoyment from Sony and PSB speakers, respectively. And as well as our regular "Analog Corner," "Listening," "Gramophone Dreams," "Aural Robert," and "Industry Update" columns, Sasha Matson interviews Ayre's Charley Hansen—the "Wizard of Boulder"—Robert Baird talks to power-pop icon Bill Lloyd, and Robert Schryer kicks the issue off by examining how audiophiles can get into their "Happy Zones."