Название: Army Издательство: Association of the United States Army Год / месяц: 2016 October Номер: Vol. 66, No. 10 Страниц: 306 Формат: pdf Размер: 65 mb Язык: english
Профессиональный журнал армии США. The Magazine of the Association of the United States Army
Специальный номер: 2016–17 STATUS REPORTS ("Green Book 2016-17")
ARMY is a professional journal devoted to the advancement of the military arts and sciences and representing the interests of the U.S. Army. The Association of the U.S. Army is proud to present the 2016–17 Green Book, our special October edition of ARMY magazine with status reports from civilian and uniformed leaders focused on the Army’s many accomplishments as well as goals for the future.