Understanding Changing Telecommunications: Building a Successful Telecom BusinessКНИГИ » БИЗНЕС И ЭКОНОМИКА
Название: Understanding Changing Telecommunications: Building a Successful Telecom Business Автор: Anders Olsson Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Год: 2003 Формат: PDF Для сайта:mymirknig.ru Страниц: 544 Размер: 24,23 МБ Язык: English
The field of telecommunications is becoming ever more complex. Inorder to manage the new Telecom industry it is necessary not onlyto understand its 3 main components, namely the end users, thetechnology and networks, and the business aspects, but alsotheir vital inter-relationships. Complexity leads to uncertainty, and one effect of uncertainty isfor people to underestimate the complexity of the business and thetechnology. This book takes a holistic approach to the subject andcan be used as a tool for decreasing this uncertainty.
During 2000 many operators paid extremely high sums of money for3G licenses in a number of European countries, supposing apotential corresponding and balancing revenue from mobile servicesin the new frequency band. Obviously today the licenses arequestionable. Consequently, suppliers and operators wereforced to reduce their international work force. What are the underlying reasons? Since the true rate and levelof development was hardly foreseen by anyone, the picture iscomplex, including factors such as psychology and belief in a neweconomy. It is immediately clear that the end user impact hasbeen severely under-estimated. It is also clear that theexpected development has and is happening, with more speed thanexpected, and continues to be complemented with solutions such aswireless LANs. This book treats the paradigm shift from a number of angles: userneeds and demands, deregulation of telecom and the convergencebetween telecommunications, data communications and the mediaindustry, the service plan, service implementation, QoS, andSecurity.
Understanding Changing Telecommunications focuses on theoverall principles and context of the new telecommunications worldrather than on high-level technical descriptions in order to aidthe understanding and development of the next generation of telecomnetworks. e.g. multimedia over IP and 3G.
Discusses the development of telecommunications up until2005 Provides a holistic view of the world oftelecommunications Covers three main areas: End-users, Technologies and Networks,and Telecom Business, and their vital inter-relationships Offers support and advice for those needing to implementbusiness plans
Essential reading for staff with operators and providersinvolved in the telecom networks, especially management, planningand design, development, integration and training, as well asBusiness analysts and investors keen to understand the currentstate of the Telecom industry.