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 Название: Система успеха, которая всегда работает Автор: Стоун В. Клемент Издательство: СПб.: Диля Год: 2006 Формат: pdf Страниц: 352 Размер: 13 mb Язык: Русский
Правила успеха часто настолько просты и очевидны, что их можно и не заметить. Автор рассказывает, как обнаружить и развить в себе качества, необходимые для успеха: трудовой энтузиазм, ноу-хау и опыт, необходимые знания. Вильям (Уильям) Клемент Стоун прошел путь от продавца газет до миллионера, владельца многочисленных предприятий. |
Разместил: na5ballov 3-05-2023, 06:53 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Buying a Property For Dummies: Australian Edition Автор: Nicola McDougall, Bruce Brammall Издательство: For Dummies Год: 2023 Страниц: 156 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 10.1 MB
Take the stress out of buying a property with this handy guide that covers everything you need to know! Are you a first-time buyer? Or perhaps you’re looking to move on and up in today’s competitive property market? If you feel overwhelmed by the jargon, the unsolicited advice, and the complicated finances, you’re not alone. So how can you be confident you’re ticking all the right boxes? With Buying a Property For Dummies! There’s no denying that buying property can be stressful. But with Buying a Property For Dummies, you can sleep easy. This clear, practical handbook will ensure you’re making the right moves to realise your property dream sooner—and that new your property is a sound investment for your future!
Разместил: Ingvar16 2-05-2023, 20:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Big Data Marketing Strategies for Superior Customer Experience Автор: Jose Ramon Saura Издательство: IGI Global Год: 2023 Страниц: 372 Язык: английский Формат: epub (true) Размер: 17.3 MB
The rapid growth of technological developments on the internet has led many companies to adapt their businesses to the digital ecosystem and implement new methods and techniques to improve the users' experiences and their analytical strategies. Moreover, in the past few years, the digital ecosystem has been chosen as the main channel used by consumers for the purchase of goods and services. As a result, digital marketing and online advertising have become the main strategies used by companies in their marketing actions. Advertising can be designed and shown considering users' interests based on what they visit or where they go. That implies that the user experience is improved as long as they receive personalized adverts focused on what they were curious or concerned about. Thus, techniques such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), data mining, or business intelligence have allowed companies to act accordingly in real-time without user perception. Big Data Marketing Strategies for Superior Customer Experience compiles and studies the major practices and case studies of Big Data marketing in recent years. In this digital era, this book can be used as a sourcebook on study cases focused on digital marketing strategies as well as the identification of new technologies that will help the development of initiatives and practices focused on marketing and Data Sciences.
Разместил: Ingvar16 30-04-2023, 18:54 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: The Reality of Virtuality: Harness the Power of Virtual Reality to Connect with Consumers Автор: Kirsten Cowan, Seth Ketron, Alena Kostyk Издательство: De Gruyter Год: 2023 Страниц: 170 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true), epub Размер: 25.6 MB
Virtual Reality (VR) technology has become more sophisticated and widespread. Consumers embrace it for gaming and entertainment. New industries are using it to showcase their products and services, with VR experiences becoming more immersive and realistic than ever. Where does VR fit into your marketing strategy? How can your brand use it to leave a lasting impression on users or, at the very least, drum up excitement around the experience? And how can your brand utilize VR to interact with your target market to improve consumer engagement and loyalty? The Reality of Virtuality is both practitioner-oriented and evidence-based, showing marketing managers in the B2C and B2B sectors how to design a compelling VR marketing strategy and leverage it for their brand. This book discusses how to select the appropriate VR type dependent on resources, technology, and audience. It shows how to align the VR experience with marketing objectives (i.e., consumer engagement, brand building, attitude management, selling in VR, product co-creation, publicity, awareness building and more), and how to create a purpose-driven VR experience to ensure it is engaging and meaningful. Lastly, it shows how to incorporate VR into the consumer journey, the ways to reach consumers before the VR experience, and the long-lasting effects after it.
Разместил: Ingvar16 30-04-2023, 18:02 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: International Financial Management, 14th ed Автор: Madura Jeff Издательство:Cengage Learning Год:2021 Формат:PDF Страниц:738 Размер: 11,3 МБ Язык: English
Gain the solid understanding of theory and practical insights you need for success in international finance today with Madura's best-selling International Financial Management, 14E. This reader-friendly approach builds on the fundamental principles of corporate finance to provide timely information and an understanding of managerial topics in a global environment necessary to prosper in international business. Clear explanations help you fully understand the important role of multinational corporations in global commerce.
Разместил: vikCAT 30-04-2023, 08:41 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Adventures in Financial Data Science: The Empirical Properties of Financial and Economic Data, 2nd Edition Автор: Graham L Giller Издательство: World Scientific Publishing Год: 2023 Страниц: 512 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 74.7 MB
This book provides insights into the true nature of financial and economic data, and is a practical guide on how to analyze a variety of data sources. The focus of the book is on finance and economics, but it also illustrates the use of quantitative analysis and Data Science in many different areas. Lastly, the book includes practical information on how to store and process data and provides a framework for data driven reasoning about the world. For quantitative and data scientists, and academics in finance, as well as people who are interested in entering these professions or just generally interested in these subjects.
Разместил: Ingvar16 30-04-2023, 05:15 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Exam Official Cert Guide Автор: Vijay Kanabar, Arthur P. Thomas, Thomas Lechler Издательство: Pearson Education Год: 2023 Страниц: 672 Язык: английский Формат: epub (true) Размер: 18.9 MB
Jump start your project management career with the Official Cert Guide to the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Exam. Learn, prepare, and practice for test day success with the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Exam Official Cert Guide, a Project Management Institute (PMI) authorized self-study resource. This comprehensive guide from instructors and authors Vijay Kanabar, Arthur P. Thomas, and Thomas Lechler addresses the all-new 2023 CAPM Exam domains. CAPM is an essential first step in building your career at any stage as a project manager and a stepping-stone to the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification. CAPM is globally recognized as providing candidates with a solid foundation in hands-on project management skills and knowledge. The CAPM exam covers a broad range of project management approaches and prepares candidates in the skills, tools, and techniques that can be applied in the field of project management.
Разместил: Ingvar16 29-04-2023, 16:54 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Универсальные техники коучинга. Инструменты, вопросы, примеры Автор: Виктория Зайцева Язык: русский Издательство: ЛитРес Год: 2023 Страниц: 110 Формат: pdf Размер: 10,5 Мб
Все бестселлеры Виктории Зайцевой из серии "Быстрый старт в коучинге" под одной обложкой! К ним добавлен новый раздел об удержании коуч-позиции во время сессии. Автор книги помогает молодым коучам проводить эффективные для клиента сессии, находясь "в потоке" и ощущая душевный подъём. Зная главный страх начинающих коучей - растеряться на сессии, Виктория Зайцева собрала в одной книге структуру коуч-сессии и универсальные техники, которые в различных комбинациях подойдут для работы с любым запросом клиента.
Разместил: PRESSI 29-04-2023, 13:21 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Пять ролей руководителя. Правила и приемы успешного менеджера Автор: Владислав Яхтченко Издательство: Эксмо Год: 2023 Формат: pdf, rtf Размер: 11 Мб Качество: Хорошее Язык: Русский
Руководитель должен быть разным. То чутким, то жестким. То заботливым, то требовательным. От способности ловко менять роли во многом и зависит ваш успех как управленца. Автор предлагает инструменты профессиональной риторики, техники тайм-менеджмента, приемы урегулирования конфликтов и многое другое, что позволит вам органично вживаться в 5 главных ролей идеального менеджера. Выполнив 22 упражнения на развитие коммуникативных, управленческих и лидерских навыков, вы станете убедительным переговорщиком, эффективным менеджером, мотивирующим лидером, чутким психологом и искусным конфликтологом.
Разместил: tanyavip1 29-04-2023, 11:50 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Business Driven Technology, 10th Edition Автор: Paige Baltzan Издательство: McGraw-Hill Год: 2024 Страниц: 566 Язык: английский Формат: epub (true) Размер: 53.3 MB
Unlike any other MIS text, Business Driven Technology, 10e, discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initiatives second. The premise for this unique approach is that business initiatives should drive technology choices. Business Driven Technology offers you the flexibility to customize courses according to your needs and the needs of your students by covering only essential concepts and topics in the five core units, while providing additional in-depth coverage in the business and technology plug-ins.
Разместил: Ingvar16 28-04-2023, 06:48 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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