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Название: Collected: Living with the Things You Love Автор: Fritz Karch, Rebecca Robertson Издательство: Abrams Год: 2014 Формат: EPUB Размер: 390 Мб Язык: английский / English
In Collected, expert collectors and decorating experts Fritz Karch and Rebecca Robertson present a tour of peculiar, elegant, and awe-inspiring collections from around the world. The book teaches readers the basic principles of the hunt while exploring the thoughtful and inventive ways people display their various collections, from the accessible and affordable to the aspirational extreme. The featured collections range from dice to café au lait bowls to 19th-century-French sewing tools to sand from world travels—illustrating collections as expressions of personal style. From no frills (“The Modest”) to ornate (“The Exceptionalist”), Karch and Robertson examine the selected collections according to personality type. The book showcases 16 different collecting personalities, each with its own chapter, featuring gorgeous photographs, vignettes showing how the objects are displayed, and a collecting lesson. |
Разместил: black 31-08-2023, 13:09 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Архитектурная физика Автор: Лицкевич В.К., Макриненко Л.И., Мигалина И.В. и др., Под ред. Н.В. Оболенского Издательство: Архитектура-С Год: 2007 Страниц: 450 Формат: djvu Размер: 26 mb Качество: хорошее
Рассматриваются теоретические основы формирования комфортной светоцветовой, тепловой и акустической среды в городах и зданиях. Излагаются методы нормирования, расчета и проектирования ограждающих конструкций, освещения, инсоляции, солнцезащиты, цветового решения, акустики, звукоизоляции зданий и борьбы с городскими и производственными шумами. Для студентов архитектурных вузов и факультетов. |
Разместил: vikCAT 30-08-2023, 07:57 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Twenty-Five+ Buildings Every Architect Should Understand, 3rd Edition Автор: Simon Unwin Издательство: Routledge Год: 2023 Формат: PDF Размер: 318 Мб Язык: английский / English
The underlying theme of Twenty-Five+ Buildings Every Architect Should Understand is the relationship of architecture to the human being, how it frames our lives and orchestrates our experience; how it can help us make sense of the world and contribute to our sense of identity and place. Exploring these dimensions through a wide range of case studies that illustrate the rich diversity of twentieth- and twenty-first-century architecture, this book is essential reading for every architect. With the addition of numerous shorter analyses, this new edition covers an even greater range of architectural ideas, providing students and architects with further inspiration for exploration in their own design work. Architects live by ideas. But where do they come from? And how do they shape buildings? There is no one right way to do architecture. This book illustrates many. Its aim is to explore the rich diversity of architectural creativity by analysing a wide range of examples to extract the ideas behind them. |
Разместил: black 29-08-2023, 12:53 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Dwelling with Architecture Автор: Roderick Kemsley, Christopher Platt Издательство: Routledge Год: 2013 Формат: EPUB Размер: 35 Мб Язык: английский / English
The dwelling is the most fundamental building type, nowhere more so than in the open landscape. This book can be read in a number of ways. It is first a book about houses and particularly the theme ‘dwelling and the land’. It examines the poetic and prosaic issues inherent in claiming a piece of the landscape to live on. It could also be seen as a kind of road map, full of both warnings and encouragements for all those involved with, or just interested in, the making of houses. That the domestic realm and the landscape can be vehicles for significant architectural insights is hardly an original observation. However this book seeks to bring the two topics together in a unique way. In exploring a building type that lies on the cusp of what is commonly understood as ‘building’ and ‘architecture’, it asks fundamental questions about what the very nature of architecture is. Who indeed is the architect and what is their role in the process of creating meaningful buildings? |
Разместил: black 28-08-2023, 08:04 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: The Furniture of John Shearer, 1790-1820: 'A True North Britain' in the Southern Backcountry Автор: Elizabeth A. Davison Издательство: AltaMira Press Год: 2011 Формат: EPUB Размер: 55 Мб Язык: английский / English
This book is a full-color catalogue raisonne interprets the distinctive furniture made by John Shearer, one of the most accomplished and intriguing furniture makers during the post-Revolutionary period. Shearer emigrated from Scotland in the late 18th century and retained loyalist sympathies throughout his life, evidenced by the imagery and inscriptions sympathetic to various British causes_such as the suppression of the Irish rebellion in 1798 and the British victory in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805_that he worked into his furniture. Davison provides insight into the furniture's appeal to Anglo-American patrons, not secret loyalists, but men still culturally tied to Great Britain. Shearer's pieces are scattered among various collections, and many of them have been identified only in the last 25 years. This catalog is the only work in which all of Shearer's known pieces of furniture are presented in a single volume. |
Разместил: black 27-08-2023, 10:13 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Frank Lloyd Wright's Forgotten House: How an Omission Transformed the Architect's Legacy Автор: Nicholas D. Hayes Издательство: University of Wisconsin Press Год: 2021 Формат: EPUB Размер: 11 Мб Язык: английский / English
While the grandiosity of Fallingwater and elegance of Taliesin are recognized universally, Frank Lloyd Wright’s first foray into affordable housing is frequently overlooked. Although Wright began work on his American System-Built Homes (ASBH, 1911–17) with great energy, the project fell apart following wartime shortages and disputes between the architect and his developer. While continuing to advocate for the design of affordable small homes, Wright never spoke publicly of ASBH. As a result, the heritage of many Wright-designed homes was forgotten. |
Разместил: black 13-08-2023, 10:42 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: An Architecture of Care in South Africa: From Arts and Crafts to Other Progeny Автор: Nicholas Coetzer Издательство: Routledge Год: 2023 Формат: PDF Размер: 18 Мб Язык: английский / English
Architects care. It is foundational and germane to the discipline and practice of architecture. This book charts the way the Arts and Crafts Movement established the moral ethos of ‘an architecture of care’ that not only remains embedded in current discourse and practice but also that is being given a more vocal presence in our climate-crisis and social justice world. By way of ‘genealogical strands’ the book charts the origin of ‘architecture of care’ ideas in the Arts and Crafts Movement and their impact on the ‘other progeny’ architectural projects in South Africa over the past hundred years. These range from the translation of inglenooks into an armature architecture of ‘Dignified Places’ in Cape Town’s townships to the ethos of ‘upliftment’ and care that translates from Octavia Hill through to ‘correcting’ building regulations and eventually finding a less moralising and more transformative impact in the ‘Hostels to Homes’ project. |
Разместил: black 13-08-2023, 10:30 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Reflections on Swedish Interiors Автор: Rhonda Eleish, Edie Van Breems Издательство: Gibbs Smith Год: 2013 Формат: EPUB Размер: 12 Мб Язык: английский / English
A well-designed Swedish room, whether an antique-filled country home or a contemporary industrial loft space, has a calm and feel-good quality that literally permeates the atmosphere. See how some of the most authentic advocates of Swedish design are using these ideas in their own homes, places of pure beauty and simplicity. The fundamental concepts of Swedish design are in full play at each location featured and are important qualities to incorporate into a home-those of functionality, quality of materials, light, preservation, art, eclecticism, color, sense of place and a deep reverence for nature. |
Разместил: black 12-08-2023, 07:40 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Энциклопедия архитектурных стилей Автор: Кох В. Издательство: М.: БММ АО Год: 2005 Cтраниц:528 Формат: djvu Размер: 38 мб Язык: русский
Классический труд по европейскому зодчеству от античности до современности. Информация о европейском зодчестве от античности до современности: подробные, следующие тщательно продуманные систематике тексты к разделам - "Культовая архитектура", "Укрепленный замок и дворец", "Городские и общественные сооружения", "Развитие городов". 2800 архитектурных эскизов, 50 карт расположения объектов. |
Разместил: rivasss 7-08-2023, 15:02 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: 100 Things to Know About Architecture Автор: Louise O'Brien Издательство: Happy Yak Год: 2023 Формат: EPUB Размер: 15 Мб Язык: английский / English
Learn all about the world of architecture in only 100 words! This book explores the most iconic buildings from around the world as well as the history of architecture, from basic huts to incredible skyscrapers. From columns to pyramids, each of the carefully chosen 100 words has its own 100-word long description and colourful illustration, providing a fascinating introduction to amazing architecture from throughout history. From the familiar to the jaw-dropping, the medieval to ultra-modern, this is an inspiring look at some of architecture's greatest developments. With a clean, contemporary design, each word occupies a page of its own. A large striking illustration neatly encapsulates the accompanying 100 words of text. A fascinating introduction to cool buildings in a fun and accessible format, this is the perfect gift for aspiring architects or curious young minds! |
Разместил: black 6-08-2023, 08:38 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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