Prosodic Features and Prosodic Structure: The Phonology of SuprasegmentalsКНИГИ » ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ
Название: Prosodic Features and Prosodic Structure: The Phonology of Suprasegmentals Автор: Anthony Fox Издательство: Oxford University Press Год: 2000 Страниц: 416 ISBN: 0198237855 Формат: pdf (в rar) Размер: 22,7 мб, в т. ч. 3% на восстановление Качество: отличное (300 dpi, текстовый слой, цветная обложка) Язык: английский Серия: Oxford Linguistics
Книга А. Фокса представляет собой первое за последние 20 лет исследование природы просодических элементов языка – акцента, ударения, ритма, тона, высоты и интонации. В ней успешно обосновывается взаимосвязь этих элементов в фонетической системе языка. Fox's book, the first substantial overview on the subject in twenty years, presents an overall view of the nature of prosodic features of language--accent, stress, rhythm, tone, pitch, and intonation--and shows how these connect to sound systems and meaning. This book has a number of aims. At one level, it can be seen as a survey of different approaches to the phonological description of the prosodic features of speech, which it is hoped will prove useful to readers seeking a detailed account of theory in this area. In this capacity, of course, it cannot be exhaustive; the literature on these features is vast and beyond the scope of any one book to encompass. Inevitably, therefore, I have been forced to be selective, pursuing only those lines of enquiry which seem to me to offer a significant contribution to our understanding of these features, and especially those which are compatible with the overall conception that informs the book as a whole.