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Название: Теодорих Великий Автор: Пфайльшифтер Георг Жанр: История Издательство: Евразия Год выпуска: 2004 Страниц: 276 Язык: Русский Формат: pdf Размер: 29,46 Mb
Античность постепенно умирала... Если в истории культуры Боэций считается "последним римлянином", то Теодорих, безусловно, явился своеобразным хранителем античной цивилизации. Когда в 476 г. рухнула Западная Римская империя, подвергавшаяся в течение всего V века постоянным нападениям варваров, огромные территории: Британия, Испания, Галлия и Италия - оказались во власти соперничающих между собой племен. |
Разместил: rogas86 25-09-2016, 10:50 | Комментарии: 2 | Подробнее
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Название: Henry VIII & His Ministers, 1509-40 Автор(ы): Ian Dawson, Dale Scarboro Издательство: Hodder Education Серия: Gcse History for Edexcel Год: 2016 ISBN: 1471861783 Страниц: 130 Язык: English Формат: True PDF Размер: 16 MB
Endorsed for Edexcel Help your students achieve their full potential while ensuring pace, enjoyment and motivation with this unique series from the leading History publisher; developed by expert educators who know how to instil deep subject knowledge and an appetite for lifelong learning. - Provides distinct approaches to the different components of the 2016 specification, ensuring that your classroom resources are tailored to learners' changing needs as they progress through the curriculum - Caters for varying learning styles, using an exciting mix of clear narrative, visual stimulus materials and a rich collection of contemporary sources to capture the interest of all students - Helps students maximise their grade potential and develop their exam skills through structured guidance on answering every question type successfully - Blends in-depth coverage of topics with activities and strategies to help students acquire, retain and revise core subject knowledge across the years - Builds on our experience publishing popular GCSE resources to supply you with accurate, authoritative content written by experienced teachers who understand the practical implications of new content and assessment requirements Henry VIII and his ministers, 1509-40 covers all three key topics in the specification: 'Henry VIII and Wolsey, 1509-29'; 'Henry VIII and Cromwell, 1529-40'; 'The Reformation and its impact, 1529-40.' |
Разместил: Gerza 25-09-2016, 10:45 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: История императорской власти после Марка Автор: Геродиан Цикл/серия: Античная библиотека Жанр: История Издательство: Алетейя Год выпуска: 1995 Страниц: 279 Язык: Русский Формат: pdf Размер: 25,21 Mb
Настоящее издание выходит в преддверии столетия со дня рождения профессора Аристида Ивановича Доватура (1897—1982), выдающегося филолога-классика, лидера ленинградской школы антиковедения в 1960—1970-х годах. Перевод греческого историка III в. н. э. Геродиана был впервые опубликован в журнале «Вестник древней истории» в 1972 (№ 1—4) и 1973 (№ 1) годах. |
Разместил: rogas86 25-09-2016, 10:42 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Norman England, 1066-1100 Автор(ы): Helena Clarke Издательство: Hodder Education Серия: Gcse History for Edexcel Год: 2016 ISBN: 1471861910 Страниц: 82 Язык: English Формат: True PDF Размер: 12 MB
Create a stimulating, well-paced teaching route through the 2016 GCSE History specification using this tailor-made series that draws on a legacy of market-leading history textbooks and the individual subject specialisms of the author team to inspire student success. - Motivate your students to deepen their subject knowledge through an engaging and thought-provoking narrative that makes historical concepts accessible and interesting to today's learners - Embed progressive skills development in every lesson with carefully designed Focus Tasks that encourage students to question, analyse and interpret key topics - Take students' historical understanding to the next level by using a wealth of original contemporary source material to encourage wider reflection on different periods - Help your students achieve their potential at GCSE with revision tips and practice questions geared towards the changed assessment model, plus useful advice to aid exam preparation - Confidently navigate the new AQA specification using the expert insight of experienced authors and teachers with examining experience About this book Norman England is an authoritative textbook for the new AQA British Depth Study: Norman England 1066-1100. It covers: Part One: Conquest and Control - Causes of conquest: Why did the Normans invade and conquer England? - The Battle of Hastings: Why did William win the Battle of Hastings in 1066? - Establishing control: How did William deal with rebellions and start to take control of the country? Part Two: Taking Stock - Feudalism: How was the country organised under the Feudal system? - Domesday book: Why was the Domesday survey compiled & what can be learnt from it? - The Medieval Village: What was life like for ordinary people? Part Three: The Normans and Monasticism - The Church: To what extent did William change the English Church? - Monasticism: How did monasteries change after the Norman conquest? Norman England is written by the Helena Clarke who has taught History at Wilmslow High School for 10 years and is also team leader for GCSE History for a major awarding body. |
Разместил: Gerza 25-09-2016, 10:27 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c.1060–88 Автор(ы): Ian Dawson Издательство: Hodder Education Серия: Gcse History for Edexcel Год: 2016 ISBN: 1471861759 Страниц: 130 Язык: English Формат: True PDF Размер: 21 MB
Endorsed for Edexcel Help your students achieve their full potential while ensuring pace, enjoyment and motivation with this unique series from the leading History publisher; developed by expert educators who know how to instil deep subject knowledge and an appetite for lifelong learning. - Provides distinct approaches to the different components of the 2016 specification, ensuring that your classroom resources are tailored to learners' changing needs as they progress through the curriculum - Caters for varying learning styles, using an exciting mix of clear narrative, visual stimulus materials and a rich collection of contemporary sources to capture the interest of all students - Helps students maximise their grade potential and develop their exam skills through structured guidance on answering every question type successfully - Blends in-depth coverage of topics with activities and strategies to help students acquire, retain and revise core subject knowledge across the years - Builds on our experience publishing popular GCSE resources to supply you with accurate, authoritative content written by experienced teachers who understand the practical implications of new content and assessment requirements Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c.1066-88 covers all three key topics in the specification: 'Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest, 1060-66'; 'William in power: securing the kingdom, 1066-87'; 'Norman England, 1066-88.' |
Разместил: Gerza 25-09-2016, 10:16 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Weimar & Nazi Germany 1918-39 Автор(ы): Steve Waugh, John Wright Издательство: Hodder Education Серия: Gcse History for Edexcel Год: 2016 ISBN: 1471861910 Страниц: 121 Язык: English Формат: True PDF Размер: 14 MB
Endorsed for Edexcel Help your students achieve their full potential while ensuring pace, enjoyment and motivation with this unique series from the leading History publisher; developed by expert educators who know how to instil deep subject knowledge and an appetite for lifelong learning. - Provides distinct approaches to the different components of the 2016 specification, ensuring that your classroom resources are tailored to learners' changing needs as they progress through the curriculum - Caters for varying learning styles, using an exciting mix of clear narrative, visual stimulus materials and a rich collection of contemporary sources to capture the interest of all students - Helps students maximise their grade potential and develop their exam skills through structured guidance on answering every question type successfully - Blends in-depth coverage of topics with activities and strategies to help students acquire, retain and revise core subject knowledge across the years - Builds on our experience publishing popular GCSE resources to supply you with accurate, authoritative content written by experienced teachers who understand the practical implications of new content and assessment requirements Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39 covers all four key topics in the specification: 'The Weimar Republic, 1918-29'; 'Hitler's rise to power, 1919-33'; 'Nazi control and dictatorship, 1933-9'; 'Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-39.' |
Разместил: Gerza 25-09-2016, 09:53 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Superpower Relations & the Cold War 1941-91 Автор(ы): Steve Waugh, John Wright Издательство: Hodder Education Серия: Gcse History for Edexcel Год: 2016 ISBN: 978-1471861840 Страниц: 97 Язык: English Формат: True PDF Размер: 10 MB
Endorsed for Edexcel Help your students achieve their full potential while ensuring pace, enjoyment and motivation with this unique series from the leading History publisher; developed by expert educators who know how to instil deep subject knowledge and an appetite for lifelong learning. - Provides distinct approaches to the different components of the 2016 specification, ensuring that your classroom resources are tailored to learners' changing needs as they progress through the curriculum - Caters for varying learning styles, using an exciting mix of clear narrative, visual stimulus materials and a rich collection of contemporary sources to capture the interest of all students - Helps students maximise their grade potential and develop their exam skills through structured guidance on answering every question type successfully - Blends in-depth coverage of topics with activities and strategies to help students acquire, retain and revise core subject knowledge across the years - Builds on our experience publishing popular GCSE resources to supply you with accurate, authoritative content written by experienced teachers who understand the practical implications of new content and assessment requirements Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 covers all three key topics in the specification: 'The origins of the Cold War 1941-58'; 'Cold War crises, 1958-70'; 'The end of the Cold War, 1970-91.' |
Разместил: Gerza 25-09-2016, 09:42 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Афины и Северное Причерноморье в VI—II вв. до н. э. Автор: Брашинский И.Б. Жанр: История Издательство: АН СССР Год выпуска: 1963 Страниц: 176 Язык: Русский Формат: pdf Размер: 25,91 Mb
В настоящей работе автор ставил перед собой задачу дать анализ истории связей Афин с северопонтийскими городами с момента их зарождения до II в. до н. э. Особое внимание уделено изучению начального этапа сношений Афин с Северным Причерноморьем, исследованию вопросов, связанных с борьбой Афин за контроль над Черноморскими проливами, политическим взаимоотношениям государств Северного Причерноморья с Афинами. |
Разместил: rogas86 25-09-2016, 09:39 | Комментарии: 3 | Подробнее
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Название: Королевство викингов Автор: Анела Нарни Издательство: Рипол Классик Год: 2013 Страниц: 256 Язык: русский Формат: pdf Размер: 13.4 Мб
Тысячу сто лет тому назад на острове Зеландия жил вождь Рагнар Лодброк. Он был язычником и провозгласил себя одним из прямых потомков бога Одина. Жестокий завоеватель Европы, действующий по принципу «круши и грабь», нападавший на Францию и едва не захвативший Париж. Рослый, светловолосые викинг повсюду сеял только страх и разрушения, захватывая богатую добычу, убивая всех, кто вставал на его пути. |
Разместил: PRESSI 25-09-2016, 09:05 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Автор: Кони Ф.А. Название: История Фридриха Великого Издательство: Издание М.К. Липса (СПб) Год: 1844 Количество страниц: 762 Язык: русский дореформенный Формат: PDF Размер: 109,94 MB
Первое издание. С 500 рисунками Адольфа Менцеля.
Федор Алексеевич Кони (1809—1879) — русский драматург, театральный критик, мемуарист, историк театра. Отец Анатолия Федоровича Кони. Занятия историей привели Кони к большому и серьезному сочинению — к "Истории Фридриха Великого", вышедшей в 1844 г. и составляющей том большого формата в 742 страницы, с прекрасными политипажами. Книга эта, написанная с большим талантом, возбуждающая в читателе неослабевающий интерес к личности и жизни Фридриха II, и основанная на изучении многих иностранных источников и дел нашего архива генерального штаба, являлась, по своему времени, выдающимся трудом и быстро разошлась в количестве 5000 экземпляров. Издание ее было повторено в 1857 г.; ныне эта книга составляет библиографическую редкость. "История Фридриха Великого" обратила на себя внимание и за границей. Йенский университет, ознакомясь в 1846 г. с подробным разбором этой книги и переводом некоторых ее глав, сделанными библиотекарем прусского короля Шнейдером, возвел автора в степень доктора философии... |
Разместил: alexstep3541 25-09-2016, 02:15 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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