Издательство: C&T Publishing Автор: Jenifer Dick Название: The Modern Applique Workbook: Easy Invisible Zigzag Method 11 Quilts to Round Out Your Skills Год / месяц: 2014 Язык: Английский Страницы: 167 Формат: jpg Размер: 109 Мб
Книга по печворку и лоскутному шитью. Так приятно сделать своему малышу красивое, яркое, теплое одеяло. В книге подробные инструкции, фото. This comprehensive guide by Jenifer Dick, proves that appliqu? is no longer an unattainable goal. Inside, the author reveals her signature Invisible Zigzag Appliqu? method with in-depth information, troubleshooting tips, and plenty of helpful hints. In addition, visual step-by-step instructions show you how to design, prepare, and sew an appliqu? quilt. Intuitive and easy to follow, the book is organized into five parts showcasing 11 modern quilt projects. Each project uses a variety of preparation methods providing plenty of opportunity to test out your new skills.