The Facts on File Dictionary of Allusions: Definitions and Origins of More Than 4,000 AllusionsКНИГИ » ИНОСТРАННЫЕ ЯЗЫКИ
Название: The Facts on File Dictionary of Allusions: Definitions and Origins of More Than 4,000 Allusions Автор: Manser M. H. Издательство: Facts On File Жанр: Английский язык Год издания: 2009 Страниц: 532 ISBN: 978-0816071050 Язык: Английский Формат: PDF Размер: 92 Мб
"Словарь аллюзий английского языка: Дефиниции и происхождения более чем 4000 аллюзий" Мартина Х. Менсера (издание на английском языке).
The Facts on File Dictionary of Allusions provides a comprehensive guide to allusions in the English language. In approximately 4,000 entries, this new resource explores well-known events, places, people, and phenomena whose names have acquired linguistic significance, conveying a particular message beyond a mere reference to the objects referred to. The entries are drawn from a wide range of sources, including Shakespeare and the Bible; Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology; texts from literature through the ages; historical events; popular culture; and film and television. Individual entries contain pronunciation guides, definitions, examples, information on derived forms, and more. An index, bibliography, and cross-references round out this accessible dictionary.