Автор:Oliver Farrar Emerson Название: A Middle English Reader/Чтение на среднеанглийском языке Издательство:The Macmillian Company Год:1905 Формат:PDF Размер: 16МВ Страниц:609 Язык:Английский
Сборник для чтения на среднеанглийском языке. Собраны разные произведения. Позволяет "Проникнуться духом того времени". С пояснениями к особенностям этого языка. This Reader is intended to serve as an introduction to the language and literature of the period concisely called Middle English, that is the centuries between 1100 and 1500. It consists Of a Grammatical Introduction based on lectures to students begin ning the study of Middle English selections arranged on the basis of the great dialectal divisions of the language during the period, and accompanied by explanatory Notes a Glossary which, in addi tion to the necessary general information Of a lexicon, accounts for the forms of words on the basis of dialectal differences in Old and Middle English. Excerpt from A Middle English Reader: Edited, With Grammatical Introduction, Notes, and Glossary