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Название: Mathematical Muffin Morsels: Nobody Wants a Small Piece (Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond) Автор: William Gasarch, Erik Metz, Jacob Prinz, Daniel Smolyak Издательство: World Scientific Published Год: 2020 Формат: EPUB Размер: 16 Мб Язык: английский / English
Suppose you have five muffins that you want to divide and give to Alice, Bob, and Carol. You want each of them to get 5/3. You could cut each muffin into 1/3-1/3-1/3 and give each student five 1/3-sized pieces. But Alice objects! She has large hands! She wants everyone to have pieces larger than 1/3.Is there a way to divide five muffins for three students so that everyone gets 5/3, and all pieces are larger than 1/3? Spoiler alert: Yes! In fact, there is a division where the smallest piece is 5/12. Is there a better division? |
Разместил: black 14-07-2020, 08:33 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Теория информации: Учебное пособие Автор: Лидовский В. В. Издательство: М.: Компания Спутник+ Год: 2004 ISBN: 5-93406-661-7 Формат: pdf Страниц: 114 Размер: 24,4 Mb Язык: Русский
В учебном пособии излагаются основные понятия и факты теории информации. Рассмотрены способы измерения, передачи и обработки информации. Значительное внимание уделено свойствам меры информации, характеристикам канала связи, помехозащитному, уплотняющему и криптографическому кодированию. |
Разместил: oksanavalera 14-07-2020, 06:54 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Основы логики Автор: В. А. Бочаров В. И. Маркин Издательство: Инфра-М Год: 1998 Формат: pdf Страниц: 288 Размер: 35.8 Мб Язык: русский
Этот учебник представляет собой основное содержание курса лекций по логике, который авторы в течение ряда лет читали на философском и психологическом факультетах Московского университета им. М. В. Ломоносова.Рекомендуется студентам гуманитарных и естественных факультетов университетов, а также всем желающим изучать логику самостоятельно или усовершенствоваться в её знании. |
Разместил: 366887 13-07-2020, 16:54 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Introduction to Chemistry, 5th Edition Автор: Rich Bauer, James Birk Издательство: McGraw-Hill Education Год: 2018 Формат: PDF Размер: 117 Мб Язык: английский / English
Introduction to Chemistry, Fifth edition takes a conceptual approach to introductory chemistry. Chapters open with a scenario involving real-life students to connect abstract chemical concepts to students' lives. Math is introduced on a need-to-know basis. This conceptual approach first teaches the chemistry and then shows students how to use the math with the chemistry. We recognize how important it is for students to apply chemistry to their world and have added or expanded applications - especially medical- and environment-related applications - throughout the text, marginal notes, worked examples, and end-of-chapter problems. |
Разместил: black 13-07-2020, 16:35 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Essential University Physics: Volume 1 (Fourth Edition) Автор: Richard Wolfson Издательство: Pearson Год: 2020 Формат: True PDF Страниц: 436 Размер: 53.5 Mb Язык: English
Focus on the fundamentals and help students see connections between problem types Richard Wolfson’s Essential University Physics is a concise and progressive calculus-based physics textbook that offers clear writing, great problems, and relevant real-life applications in an affordable and streamlined text. The book teaches sound problem-solving strategies and emphasizes conceptual understanding, using features such as annotated figures and step-by-step problem-solving strategies. Realizing students have changed a great deal over time while the fundamentals of physics have changed very little, Wolfson makes physics relevant and alive for students by sharing the latest physics applications in a concise and captivating style. |
Разместил: bomboane 13-07-2020, 12:45 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Mathematics in Action: An Introduction to Algebraic, Graphical, and Numerical Problem Solving (Sixth Edition) Автор: Consortium for Foundation Mathematics Издательство: Pearson Год: 2020 Формат: True PDF Страниц: 674 Размер: 10.4 Mb Язык: English
Active learning for active minds The authors of the Mathematics in Action series believe that students learn mathematics best by actually doing the math within a realistic context. If a student is taking this course, why teach them the same content in the same way that they’ve already seen–yet did not retain? Following this principle, the authors provide a series of guided-discovery activities that help students to construct, reflect upon, and apply mathematical concepts, deepening their conceptual understanding as they do so. The active style of learning develops critical-thinking skills and mathematical literacy, while keeping the concepts in the context of real applications. |
Разместил: bomboane 13-07-2020, 12:24 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra Second Edition Автор: Julie Miller, Molly O'Neill, Nancy Hyde Издательство: McGraw-Hill Education Год: 2020 Формат: True PDF Страниц: 1264 Размер: 50.4 Mb Язык: English
Create more lightbulb moments with this comprehensive set of valuable content and insightful, intuitive digital learning resources! This new 2nd edition of the Miller/O'Neill/Hyde Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra text seeks to serve the changing dynamics of today's curriculum by thoughtfully interweaving the topics of two foundational building blocks in students' mathematical journey. The text reflects the compassion of its experienced author team with features developed to address the specific needs of today's prealgebra and introductory algebra students. Included alongside the highly-favorable Problem Recognition Exercises, readers will find added review material, aimed at assisting students with synthesis, summarization, and recognition of key mathematical topics so as to enhance their overall conceptual understanding. |
Разместил: bomboane 13-07-2020, 11:48 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: College Algebra and Trigonometry, Seventh Edition Автор: Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, David I. Schneider Издательство: Pearson Год: 2021 Формат: True PDF Страниц: 1231 Размер: 225.7 Mb Язык: English
The College Algebra series by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels combines the experience of master teachers to help students develop the balance of conceptual understanding and analytical skills needed to succeed in mathematics. For this revision, integrated review is now available in MyLab™ Math for every title in the series to accommodate varying levels of student preparation. The Review chapter has been expanded to cover the basic algebra concepts that students often find most challenging. |
Разместил: bomboane 13-07-2020, 11:36 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Seventh Edition Автор: Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, Terry McGinnis Издательство: Pearson Год: 2020 Формат: True PDF Страниц: 1104 Размер: 52.1 Mb Язык: English
For courses in Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (Combined Courses). |
Разместил: bomboane 13-07-2020, 10:15 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Физика. Занимательные материалы к урокам. 8 класс Автор: Сёмке А.И. Издательство: НЦ ЭНАС Год: 2004 Формат: PDF Страниц: 154 Размер: 41.6 Мб Язык: русский
В пособии приведены дополнительные материалы к курсу физики для 8 класса - задачи с использованием сведений из смежных школьных дисциплин, качественные вопросы, исторические справки о великих физиках и их открытиях, занимательные цифры и факты, карточки индивидуальных заданий, кроссворды и пр. |
Разместил: 366887 13-07-2020, 06:36 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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