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Название: YouTube: успешный запуск, развитие и масштабирование 2.0
Автор: YouTube Office
Издательство: Интернет-издание
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF/mp3/mp4
Страниц: 64
Размер: 731 Mb
Язык: Русский

Актуальная информация о запуске каналов и выстраивании сетки в других регионах и языках (на данный момент 5 проработанных языков, на которых я зарабатывал и зарабатываю сегодня. В обновлении помимо прочего будет практический получасовой урок о том, как делать одну из ниш (способов универсальный и применим ко многим) как на разные языки, так и на один и тот же с использованием одних и тех же материалов без получения контент-id на видео. Тутор подробнее некуда - сайты, платформы, редакторы, какие кнопки жмать и так далее. Это и есть ключ к успешному масштабированию. Также внутри найдете список конкретных долгосрочных ниш, в том числе взрослых как раз под тутор

Разместил: Chipa 21-07-2024, 11:49 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Java Testing with Selenium: A Comprehensive Syntax Guide for Automation
Автор: Sujay Raghavendra
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 345
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub (true), azw3, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Master the art of automated testing using Selenium with Java in this comprehensive guide. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced tester, the book equips you with the knowledge and techniques to build robust and maintainable test suites, ensuring the quality and reliability of your web applications. This book starts introducing the basics of automated testing and the importance of Selenium. It then covers the setup and configuration of the Selenium WebDriver in Java, providing a solid foundation for your testing environment. You'll learn essential aspects of Selenium testing in Java, including working with different browsers, locating web elements using locators, and performing actions on them. From there, you’ll explore how to handle dynamic web pages and effective wait mechanisms and verifications to ensure accurate and reliable test results. The book also guides you in setting up Selenium in Java for continuous integration and emphasizes best practices for test codeorganization and maintainability, such as the Page Object Model (POM) and structuring test suites effectively. By the end, you’ll have the expertise to address advanced scenarios, such as working with iframes, and know how TestNG enhances Selenium automation, enabling structured tests, data-driven insights, and swift parallel executions. Throughout the book, you'll benefit from real-world examples and practical exercises that reinforce the concepts. The clear explanations and step-by-step guidance make it easy to follow along and apply the knowledge to your own testing projects. For software testers, quality assurance professionals, and developers interested in mastering automated testing with Selenium and Java. Suitable for various experience levels.
Разместил: Ingvar16 21-07-2024, 08:06 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional, 4th Edition
Автор: Magnus Lie Hetland, Fabio Nelli
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 620
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub (true)
Размер: 39.3 MB

Gain a fundamental understanding of Python’s syntax and features with this revised introductory and practical reference. Covering a wide array of Python–related programming topics, including addressing language internals, database integration, network programming, and web services, you’ll be guided by sound development principles. Updated to reflect the latest in Python programming paradigms and several of the most crucial features found in Python 3, Beginning Python, Fourth Edition also covers advanced topics such as extending Python and packaging/distributing Python applications. Ten accompanying projects will ensure you can get your hands dirty in no time. In the Chapter 1, you learn how to take control of your computer by speaking a language it understands: Python. Nothing here is particularly difficult, so if you know the basic principles of how your computer works, you should be able to follow the examples and try them out yourself. I’ll go through the basics, starting with the excruciatingly simple, but because Python is such a powerful language, you’ll soon be able to do pretty advanced things. The Chapter 2 introduces a new concept: data structures. A data structure is a collection of data elements (such as numbers or characters, or even other data structures) that is structured in some way, such as by numbering the elements. For programmers, novice and otherwise, seeking a comprehensive introduction to the Python programming language.
Разместил: Ingvar16 21-07-2024, 07:28 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: The Ultimate Django Guide: From Beginner to Advanced Web Development | 1st Edition | 2024
Автор: Jiho Seok
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2024
Страниц: 268
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 12.6 MB

This book is meticulously designed to take you from the initial setup of your Django development environment to mastering advanced topics essential for building robust, scalable web applications using the latest tools and Django 5.0.7. Welcome to the world of Django, a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Whether you are an aspiring web developer, a seasoned programmer looking to expand your skill set, or simply someone with a keen interest in web technologies, this book is crafted with you in mind. Why Django? Django has gained immense popularity in the web development community due to its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability. It's the backbone of numerous high-traffic websites and applications, making it a powerful tool in the arsenal of modern developers. But beyond its technical merits, Django embodies a philosophy that prioritizes developer experience and efficiency, allowing you to focus on writing your application without needing to reinvent the wheel. This book is designed to be your comprehensive guide through the landscape of Django, starting from the very basics and gradually building up to more advanced topics. We begin with setting up your development environment, ensuring you have all the necessary tools to start your journey. From there, we'll dive into the core components of Django, exploring models, views, templates, forms, and beyond. Each chapter is meticulously structured to provide a deep understanding of each concept, supported by practical examples and real-world applications. Our goal is to not only teach you how to use Django but also to help you understand the principles and best practices that underpin its design.
Разместил: Ingvar16 21-07-2024, 02:03 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Hallo .NET 8.0: Practical ASP.NET Core Minimal API
Автор: Agus Kurniawan
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 16 December 2023
Страниц: 303
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.7 MB

Dive into Hallo .NET 8.0: Practical ASP.NET Core Minimal API to master web development with 20 hands-on labs. From basics to advanced features, this guide is your key to unlocking the powerful capabilities of ASP.NET Core 8.0. Start your journey today! Hallo .NET 8.0: Practical ASP.NET Core Minimal API is a meticulously crafted guide that takes you on an explorative journey into the world of ASP.NET Core 8.0. Designed for a broad audience, from beginners to seasoned developers, this book dives deep into the practical aspects of Minimal API development. It starts with an introductory section that sets the foundation, highlighting the evolution and significance of Minimal APIs in the .NET framework. The core of the book is structured into comprehensive sections covering ASP.NET Core Minimal API development, database integrations, and critical aspects of web security. It stands out with its 20 hands-on lab exercises, each carefully designed to reinforce learning through practical application. From setting up development environments and building your first API to delving into complex topics like data security and efficient database handling, the book ensures a thorough understanding of each concept. In its final chapters, the book transitions into crucial topics like monitoring and deployment, preparing readers to not only build but also sustain and optimize applications in real-world settings. This section is pivotal for understanding the lifecycle of web applications and equips readers with the skills to deploy and maintain their projects effectively.
Разместил: Ingvar16 21-07-2024, 01:26 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Будинок орхідей
Автор: Люсінда Райлі / Lucinda Riley
Серия: «Художня література»
Изд-во: «Vivat»
Год: 2019
К-во стр.: 576
Язык: українська
Формат: pdf/djvu
Размер: 36,58 Мб

Джулія Форрестер — відома піаністка, яка живе мрією про гарний будинок у Провансі. Вона щаслива й успішна, аж тут у її житті стається жахлива трагедія. Джулія повертається до Англії, туди, де була щаслива в дитинстві, — у Вортон-парк. Але теперішній власник маєтку Кіт Кроуфорд мріє якомога швидше його продати. Ані Джулія, ані Кіт не знають, що їхні долі нерозривно пов'язані. Під час ремонту, розпочатого Кітом, знаходять щоденник, написаний у 1940-х роках дідусем Джулії, який понад усе любив орхідеї. Про що йдеться на його сторінках? В історії двох сімей, розорених війною, Джулія виявить темні секрети, що змінять її життя…
Разместил: TTT22 21-07-2024, 00:37 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: The Golden Age of Data Visualization: How Did We Get Here?
Автор: Kimbal Marriott
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 375
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 36.1 MB

We are living in the Golden Age of Data Visualization. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how we increasingly use data visualizations to make sense of the world. Business analysts fill their presentations with charts, journalists use infographics to engage their readers, we rely on the dials and gauges on our household appliances, and we use mapping apps on our smartphones to find our way. This book explains how and why this has happened. It details the evolution of information graphics, the kinds of graphics at the core of data visualization―maps, diagrams, charts, scientific and medical images―from prehistory to the present day. It explains how the cultural context, production and presentation technologies, and data availability have shaped the history of data visualization. It considers the perceptual and cognitive reasons why data visualization is so effective and explores the little-known world of tactile graphics―raised-line drawings used by people who are blind. The book also investigates the way visualization has shaped our modern world. The European Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution relied on maps and technical and scientific drawings, and graphics influence how we think about abstract concepts like time and social connection. Tableau was one of the first commercially available visual analytics tools. Released in May 2003, Tableau allowed business and government analysts to create an almost endless variety of visualizations by dragging and dropping data fields onto the tool’s main panel. They could effortlessly create standard visualizations like choropleth maps and bar charts or craft their own custom chart. The resulting visualizations were interactive. This book is written for data visualization researchers and professionals and anyone interested in data visualization and the way we use graphics to understand and think about the world.
Разместил: Ingvar16 20-07-2024, 23:06 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Adobe Photoshop for Beginners - 19th Edition 2024Название: Adobe Photoshop for Beginners - 19th Edition 2024
Автор: Papercut Limited
Издательство: Papercut Limited
Год: 2024
Страниц: 104
Формат: PDF
Язык: английский
Размер: 68 MB

If you are new to Adobe products, cataloguing your photos and digitally manipulating them may seem like a whole new world you have to conquer. Do not worry though, we will guide you through the basics and get you started on your way to becoming a skilled user of the software. With the help of this guide, you can learn to import, tag, organise and edit your photos in no time at all.
Разместил: Dovegone 20-07-2024, 20:22 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Radical Potholder Weaving: Techniques and Inspiration for the Potholder Loom; 100+ Weaving Patterns
Автор: Deborah Jean Cohen
Издательство: Stackpole Books
Год: July 16, 2024
Размер: 63 Мб
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 240
Язык: Английский

Книга по плетению аксессуаров для дома на разных ткацких станках, изготовленных в домашних условиях. В этой книге вы найдете более 100 проектов для своих ткацких станков. Большинство из них - новые, никогда ранее не использовавшиеся на ткацком станке small, а остальные - это строгие классические модели, выбранные для завершения коллекции. В одной главе рассказывается, как переделать чертежи напольного ткацкого станка для изготовления прихваток, провести реинжиниринг любой прихватки и создать свой собственный дизайн. Другие главы знакомят вас с интересными техниками ткачества и, конечно же, объясняют основы: источники, советы, предостережения. Загляните внутрь!
Разместил: sun 20-07-2024, 19:40 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Подлинное Таро Эттейлы
Автор: Куманяева Наина
Издательство: Рипол Классик
Год: 2006
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 232
Размер: 12,2 Мб
Язык: русский

В книге представлена одна из наиболее редких в наше время колод старейшего теоретика карт Таро Жана-Батиста Альетте (Эттейлы). Предлагается в качестве приложения цветная колода карт Эттейлы и новая самостоятельная трактовка некогда очень популярной в мире гадательной колоды карт этого замечательного автора.
Разместил: sanek1235 20-07-2024, 18:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

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