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Название: Intentional Printing: Simple Techniques for Inspired Fabric Art
Автор: Lynn Krawczyk
Издательство: Interweave
Год: April 7, 2014
Размер: 15 Мб
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 152
Язык: Английский

Рисуйте, тисните, печатайте трафаретной печатью и многое другое, чтобы создать великолепную художественную ткань! Intentional Printing познакомит вас с двухэтапным подходом к дизайну ткани. Автор Lynn Krawczyk начинает с того, что показывает вам, как разработать свой собственный стиль печати, сначала определив цвета, темы и процессы, которые вам нравятся, а затем многократно используя эти идеи для изучения ваших самых дальних возможностей. В то же время Lynn призывает вас не ограничиваться простой печатью на ткани и подумать о том, как будет использоваться готовая ткань.
Разместил: sun 7-06-2024, 21:46 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Cloud Application Architecture Patterns: Designing, Building, and Modernizing for the Cloud (Early Release)
Автор: Kyle Brown, Bobby Woolf, Joe Yoder
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024-06-06
Страниц: 248
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

If you're developing or considering cloud application architectures for your company's projects, this practical guide is an ideal place to learn and understand best practices for developing in the cloud. Architects and lead developers will learn how cloud applications should be designed, how they fit into a larger architectural picture, and how to make them operate efficiently. Authors Kyle Brown, Bobby Woolf, and Joe Yoder take you through the process step by step. Because this book focuses on designing applications to be deployed on the cloud, we do assume a fundamental set of technologies that have become a de facto standard stack that applications make use of to take advantage of cloud computing: • Linux - Cloud computing’s operating system developed by an open community and freely available; • Containerization - Packaging an application with the environment it needs to run in the Linux kernel; • Container orchestration - Grid computing that autonomically manages large numbers of containers; • Cloud-native application - An application architecture that separates stateless business logic from stateful middleware functionality accessed as backend services. These technologies and ones like them are assumed in this book. This book is for application architects and developers who want to learn best practices about how to design applications for the cloud. Architects who want their applications to run well in the cloud need to know these best practices and employ them. These practices apply to any application that will run in the cloud. We assume most developers are writing business applications for commercial enterprises — let’s face it, that’s where the money is — but these techniques apply equally well to other fields like research and science, government, non-profits - any field where users have requirements for what an application should do and the organization wants to deploy their applications on the cloud.
Разместил: Ingvar16 7-06-2024, 20:37 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

Название: Пособие для профессионального кинезиолога по эссенциям Баха
Автор: О.Р. Григорьева
Издательство: Интернет-издание
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 102
Размер: 33 Mb
Язык: Русский

Считается, что современная история цветочных эссенций начинается с Эдварда Баха (1886-1926), врача с Харли-стрит в Лондоне, который сочетал изучаемую им гомеопатию с методом цветочных эссенций. Он писал: «Болезнь является своего рода концентрацией ментального отношения, и единственное, что необходимо – это вылечить настроение пациента, и болезнь исчезнет». Цель цветочной терапии Баха заключается в восстановлении гармонии и избавлении от негативного душевного состояния, благодаря чему человек снова сможет «включить» свои собственные целебные силы.

Разместил: Chipa 7-06-2024, 20:21 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Secure and Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
Автор: Uttam Ghosh, Fortune Mhlanga, Danda B. Rawat
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2025
Страниц: 260
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

Cybersecurity is a paramount concern in both Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) due to the interconnected and often critical nature of these systems. The integration of AI/ML into the realm of IoT and CPS security has gained significant attention and momentum in recent years. The success of AI/ML in various domains has sparked interest in leveraging these technologies to enhance the security, resilience, and adaptability of IoT and CPS. Secure and Smart Cyber-Physical Systems provides an extensive exploration of AI/ML-based security applications in the context of IoT and CPS. One of the most popular revolutions of technology is the Cyber-Physical System (CPS). CPS is an integration of cyber world (computation and communication systems) and man-made physical world (e.g., utility networks, vehicles, and factories.) formed by using sensors and actuators. Cyber systems make the physical infrastructures smarter, more secure, and reliable, and fully automated systems foster a more efcient, resilient, and sustainable built environment. In the near future (industry 4.0 revolution or 4IR), CPSs will become the new “techno-economic” paradigm. DL model consists of multiple layers of artifcial neural networks (ANNs) that are trained using supervised or unsupervised learning. Python libraries are blocks of code that contain built-in functions. These libraries provide access to the necessary packages or modules that can be installed to complete specifc tasks. By providing data operations and data structures, the Pandas’ library signifcantly aids in the study and manipulation of data, particularly time series and numerical tables. On top of NumPy, the Pandas’ package was developed. It supports the efective implementation of a data frame. Series and data frames are the foundational data structures on which Pandas is built. Pandas allow for the transformation of data structures into data frame objects, handling of missing data, and histogram or box plots.
Разместил: Ingvar16 7-06-2024, 20:02 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Кот в сапогах
Автор: Шарль Перро
Серия: "Сказка-картинка"
Издательство: К.: КФПР
Год: 1993
Страниц: 16
Формат: PDF
Размер: 7,66 Мб
Язык: русский

Одна из самых известных и давно любимых всеми сказок замечательного французского литератора Шарля Перро "Кот в сапогах".
Разместил: TTT22 7-06-2024, 19:56 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: CompTIA Linux+ Certification Companion: Hands-on Preparation to Master Linux Administration
Автор: Ahmed F. Sheikh
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2024
Страниц: 315
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

"The CompTIA Linux+ Certification" book – the ultimate guide to mastering Linux system administration in preparation for the CompTIA Linux+ Certification. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this comprehensive resource is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the world of Linux. With its comprehensive coverage, this book delves into essential Linux concepts, commands, and techniques, providing you with a complete reference guide. You'll review how to customize and navigate the shell environment, write powerful scripts, configure user interfaces, perform administrative tasks, configure system services, establish network connections, and secure your system. No stone is left unturned in this in-depth exploration of Linux administration. What sets this book apart is its practical approach. Real-world scenarios and practical applications take center stage, ensuring that you not only understand the theory but also know how to apply it effectively. Troubleshooting common issues becomes second nature as you gain the skills to diagnose and resolve system problems with ease. Scripts can be a great tool for sysadmins! Many routine tasks can be completed quickly and more efficiently using scripts. A Bash script is nothing more than a collection of commands listed in the order you would do them if you executed them one at the time. Some scripts are complex as they perform multiple commands using multithreading. This book serves as an excellent resource for individuals who are new to Linux administration and wish to develop a strong foundation in this field. They may have basic knowledge of Linux concepts or come from related IT roles and seek to expand their skills to include Linux system management. Professionals already working in the IT industry, such as system administrators or network engineers, who want to enhance their skill set and broaden their knowledge by incorporating Linux administration into their repertoire. They may have experience with other operating systems and are seeking to acquire Linux-specific skills.
Разместил: Ingvar16 7-06-2024, 19:22 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Кіт у чоботях
Автор: Шарль Перро
Изд-во: К.: "Веселка"
Год: 1984
Формат: pdf
К-во стр.: 18
Размер: 11,35 Мб
Язык: українська

Відома казка класика французької літератури Шарля Перро "Кіт у чоботях" про спритного й хитрого кота. У переказі з французької Р.М. Терещенка. Для батьків та малюків.
Разместил: TTT22 7-06-2024, 19:21 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Programming Puzzles: Python Edition: Learning Python Programming for Beginners and Experienced Programmers
Автор: Matthew Whiteside
Издательство: Independently published
Год: November 14, 2023
Страниц: 428
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 30.5 MB

In Programming Puzzles: Python Edition, industry expert software engineer with 10+ years Python coding and computer programming experience Matthew Whiteside provides you with everything that you need to learn Python programming skills, starting with the basics and initial Python downloads that you will need, and then launching into your Python learning adventure, with over 100 fun and educational Python puzzles, catering to beginners learning Python basics, as well as seasoned computer coders looking to take their skills to the next level! The puzzles in this book have specifically been designed so that people of all levels can attempt them. You’ll find some puzzles for people who are earlier along in their Python journey, and you’ll find harder puzzles for people who are more experienced. The book is broken up into two main sections, challenge puzzles and fun puzzles. The challenge puzzles section contains 50 ( + a few bonus) puzzles that start off at beginner level and get harder as you progress. This is the main section of the book and it’s recommended you start on puzzle #1 and work your way through. Whether you are a student in the Computer Science field, or an experienced software engineer, Programming Puzzles: Python Edition will be instrumental in helping you to gain confidence, unlock the potential of Python, and accelerate your Python learning journey. Note: it’s recommended you know at least the basics of Python before starting any puzzles from this book. Familiarity with fundamental concepts such as variables, conditionals, loops, and functions will greatly benefit you in solving the puzzles.
Разместил: Ingvar16 7-06-2024, 18:15 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Разговорный английский по уровням. Уровень A1
Автор: Ричард Грант
Издательство: Автор
Год: 2023
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf, fb2, azw3, epub
Размер: 11.5 MB

Курс "Разговорный английский по уровням – Уровень А1" представляет собой идеальное введение в английский язык для начинающих. Этот уровень соответствует базовым навыкам общения на английском языке и предназначен для тех, кто только начинает свой путь в изучении английского. В ходе курса Вы овладеете основами разговорного английского языка, научатся формировать простые предложения и выражать свои мысли на английском. Учебный материал включает в себя повседневные темы, такие как приветствия, представление, заказ в ресторане, поход в магазин и многие другие, а также базовые грамматические конструкции.
Разместил: Ingvar16 7-06-2024, 14:45 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
Название: Point Cloud Compression: Technologies and Standardization
Автор: Ge Li, Wei Gao, Wen Gao
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 264
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 31.1 MB

3D point clouds have broad applications across various industries and have contributed to advancements in fields such as autonomous driving, immersive media, metaverse, and cultural heritage protection. With the fast growth of 3D point cloud data and its applications, the need for efficient compression technologies has become paramount. This book delves into the forefront of point cloud compression, exploring key technologies, standardization efforts, and future prospects. As a burgeoning format of spatial data, 3D point cloud has triggered a research boom in the field of vision in recent years. It plays an essential role in many modern industrial applications, such as autonomous driving and virtual/augmented reality. To keep up with the ever-growing application requirements and meet the three progressive goals of ease of storage, transmission, and processing, it is of increasing significance to research and develop efficient compression algorithms to deal with the huge amount of point clouds. Point cloud compression technologies have become research hotspots for the past few years. With the development of multimedia technology, 3D vision has aroused extensive research enthusiasm. The basis of 3D vision is to model the exterior surface of a continuous 3D model. Point cloud is a widely used representation of 3D geometric models. Point cloud compression technologies have become an essential branch of 3D computer vision. Point cloud is a collection of discrete sampling points on underlying surfaces embedded in 3D space. Point cloud compression refers to the compression of point cloud data to reduce the occupation of storage space and transmission bandwidth. Point cloud compression technologies employ lossless or lossy compression methods to eliminate redundant information, making it widely applicable in 3D data processing, computer vision, robotics, and other related fields.
Разместил: Ingvar16 7-06-2024, 13:58 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее

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