Автор: James Kolce, Craig Buckler, Mark Brown Название: Modern javascript Издательство: SitePoint Год: 2017 ASIN: B074WF1FTR Язык: English Формат: mobi Размер: 1 mb Страниц: 195
For a long time, javascript was looked upon by many as a joke; a toy language whose only real use was to add non-essential eye-candy, such as mouseover changes, and was often a source of weird errors and broken pages. The language is still not taken seriously by some today, despite having made much progress since those early days. It's not hard to have some sympathy with PHP developers. For better or for worse, javascript was (and still is) the only language supported natively by the vast majority of web browsers. The community has worked hard to improve the language itself, and to provide the tooling to help build production-grade apps.
This anthology is a collection of articles, hand-picked from SitePoint’s javascript channel with the aim of giving you a head start on modern javascript development. Of course, with the fast pace of change of both the language and the ecosystem, it’s important to keep up to date with the latest developments. Don’t be left behind, head over to the channel after you’ve finished this book to stay abreast of new trends and techniques.
Included topics:
– The Anatomy of a Modern javascript Application by James Kolce – An Introduction to Gulp.js by Craig Buckler – The Basics of DOM Manipulation in Vanilla javascript (No jQuery) by Sebastian Seitz – A Beginner's Guide to Webpack 2 and Module Bundling by Mark Brown – React vs Angular: An In-depth Comparison by Pavels Jelisejevs – Retrofit Your Website as a Progressive Web App by Craig Buckler – 10 Tips to Become a Better Node Developer by Azat Mardan – An Introduction to Functional javascript by M. David Green – An Introduction to Chart.js 2.0 : Six Simple Examples by Jack Rometty – Learning javascript Test-Driven Development by Example by James Wright