Get a consistent, linear pathway for learning Corda and building CorDapps. With Mastering Corda, everyone from beginners to Corda warriors will learn how to build blockchain and Corda skills while exploring the nuances of developing real-world decentralized and distributed applications. You’ll learn Corda’s big picture and value proposition as well as its deeper intricacies.
As a distributed ledger and smart contract platform, Corda shares several characteristics with blockchain—except Corda is designed for use cases such as finance, supply chains, healthcare, trade finance, and digital investment that require a high-volume of transactions, scalability, and data privacy. If you have basic Java skills, this book will help you understand blockchain and show you how to build decentralized applications—or CorDapps.
Jamiel Sheikh, founder and CEO of Chainhaus, helps you:
Gain knowledge and experience with tools to become a blockchain developer Understand Corda’s value proposition and alignment with business strategy Dive deep into Corda’s architecture and blockchain fundamentals Contrast Corda with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger Build real-world token and payment applications Perform data analytics and machine learning on Corda nodes Develop a CorDapp hands-on using sample code