Continuous API Management, 2nd Edition (Early Release)КНИГИ » ПРОГРАММИНГ
Название: Continuous API Management, 2nd Edition (Early Release) Автор: Mehdi Medjaoui, Erik Wilde, Ronnie Mitra, and Mike Amundsen Издательство: O’Reilly Media Год: 2021-09-21: Fourth Release Формат: ePUB Страниц: 426 Размер: 10 Mb Язык: English
A lot of work is required to release an API, but the effort doesn't always pay off. Overplanning before an API matures is a wasted investment, while underplanning can lead to disaster. This practical guide provides maturity models for individual APIs and multi-API landscapes to help you invest the right human and company resources for the right maturity level at the right time.