Consul: Up and Running: Service Mesh for Any Runtime or Cloud (Early Release)КНИГИ » ПРОГРАММИНГ
Название: Consul: Up and Running: Service Mesh for Any Runtime or Cloud (Early Release) Автор: Luke Kysow Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc. Год: 2021-10-18: Third Release Формат: ePUB Страниц: 143 Размер: 10 Mb Язык: English
With the advent of microservices, Kubernetes, public cloud, and hybrid computing, site reliability and DevOps engineers are facing more complexity than ever before. Service mesh is an exciting new technology that promises to help tackle this complexity. A service mesh provides you with a unified control plane to manage the networking among your applications running on these distinct platforms. This definitive guide shows you how to automate networking for simple and secure application delivery with Consul.