Polyspace® Code Prover™ is a sound static analysis tool that proves the absence of overflow, divide-by-zero, out-of-bounds array access, and other run-time errors in C and C++ source code. It produces results without requiring program execution, code instrumentation, or test cases. Polyspace Code Prover uses semantic analysis and abstract interpretation based on formal methods to verify software interprocedural, control, and data flow behavior. You can use it to verify handwritten code, generated code, or a combination of the two. Each code statement is color-coded to indicate whether it is free of run-time errors, proven to fail, unreachable, or unproven.
Polyspace Code Prover displays range information for variables and function return values, and can prove which variables exceed specified range limits. Code verification results can be used to track quality metrics and check conformance with your software quality objectives. Polyspace Code Prover can be used with the Eclipse™ IDE to verify code on your desktop.