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Название: Microservice APIs: With examples in Python (MEAP) Автор: Jose Haro Peralta Издательство: Manning Publications Год: 2022 v10 Формат: PDF Страниц: 350 Размер: 10 Mb Язык: English
Tips, best practices, and handy Python features for designing better microservices architecture and streamlining API integrations. Microservice APIs shares successful strategies and techniques for designing Microservices systems, with a particular emphasis on creating easy-to-consume APIs. This practical guide focuses on implementation over philosophizing and has just enough theory to get you started. You’ll quickly go hands on designing the architecture for a microservices platform, produce standard specifications for REST and GraphQL APIs, and bake in authentication features to keep your APIs secure. Written in a framework-agnostic manner, its universal principles of API and microservices design can easily be applied to your favorite stack and toolset. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 18-01-2022, 10:39 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Kafka in Action Автор: Dylan Scott, Viktor Gamov, Dave Klein Издательство: Manning Publications Год: 2022 Формат: True PDF Страниц: 272 Размер: 15 Mb Язык: English
Kafka in Action is a practical, hands-on guide to building Kafka-based data pipelines. Filled with real-world use cases and scenarios, this book probes Kafka's most common use cases, ranging from simple logging through managing streaming data systems for message routing, analytics, and more. In systems that handle big data, streaming data, or fast data, it's important to get your data pipelines right. Apache Kafka is a wicked-fast distributed streaming platform that operates as more than just a persistent log or a flexible message queue. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 18-01-2022, 10:13 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Clojure на производстве Автор: Гришаев И.В. Издательство: Издательские решения Год: 2020 Страниц: 361 Язык: русский Формат: pdf Размер: 10,1 MB
Clojure? Это где скобочки и нет типов? На производстве? Всё верно. Книга расскажет о том, как строят боевые системы на этом языке: от простого к сложному, скобка за скобкой. До сих пор информацию о Clojure можно было найти только в книгах на английском и в отдельных статьях в интернете. Ситуация меняется: появилась книга о Clojure на русском, и это не перевод. Автор — программист, который зарабатывает этим языком. Это не очередное введение в Clojure. Вас ждут семь глав с акцентом на практику и неочевидные вещи, которых нет в учебных материалах. Вся книга от начала до конца — личный опыт автора. Код заимствован из настоящих проектов. Ожидается, что читатель знаком с Clojure или другим диалектом Лиспа. Чтобы лучше усвоить материал, желательно иметь опыт программирования. Для аудитории продвинутого уровня. Это книга о том, как применять Clojure в настоящих условиях: не сортировать списки в олимпиадных задачах, а поднимать веб-приложения, строить системы, писать тесты. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 17-01-2022, 17:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Animated Problem Solving: An Introduction to Program Design Using Video Game Development Автор: Marco T. Morazan Издательство: Springer Серия: Texts in Computer Science Год: 2022 Страниц: 688 Язык: английский Формат: pdf (true) Размер: 10.9 MB
This textbook is about systematic problem solving and systematic reasoning using type-driven design. There are two problem solving techniques that are emphasized throughout the book:divide and conqueranditerative refinement. Divide and conquer is the process by which a large problem is broken into two or more smaller problems that are easier to solve and then the solutions for the smaller pieces are combined to create an answer to the problem. Iterative refinement is the process by which a solution to a problem is gradually made better–like the drafts of an essay. Mastering these techniques are essential to becoming a good problem solver and programmer. In this textbook, all the solutions to problems are expressed as programs. It is important to be somewhat precise about what a program is. A program is much more than just code written using a programming language. Remember that a program is a solution to a problem. Therefore, a program has a design, code, examples of how it works, and tests. That is, it communicates how the problem is solved and illustrates that the solution works. If any of the mentioned components are missing, then we have an incomplete program. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 17-01-2022, 15:59 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Introduction to Engineering Python: For First Year Engineering Students Автор: Steve A. Larsen Издательство: Steve A. Larsen Год: 2021 Формат: PDF Страниц: 66 Размер: 10 Mb Язык: English
The author has been very selective about what topics to cover in this short step by step manual for first year engineering students. The first eleven chapters cover what you must know. This is based on personal experience as a petroleum engineer. The reader needs little or no programming experience. The best part is you can learn to program in Python for FREE! The Python programming language and the professional PyCharm Community user interface are free downloads. All that is required is a Windows computer with 8GB RAM. (Most 4GB computers can be inexpensively upgraded to 8GB.) Chapters 12 thru 16 cover topics that you may need, or are good to know if reading other programmer's Python code. Chapters 17 thru 20 contain more advanced Python examples of practical applications in engineering. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 17-01-2022, 12:12 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Evolving Software Processes: Trends and Future Directions Автор: Dac-Nhuong Le, Arif Ali Khan Издательство: Wiley-Scrivener Год: 2022 Страниц: 320 Язык: английский Формат: epub Размер: 16.7 MB
The book provides basic building blocks of evolution in software processes, such as DevOps, scaling Agile process in GSD, in order to lay a solid foundation for successful and sustainable future processes. This book presents an extremely comprehensive overview of the evolution in software processes and provides a platform for practitioners, researchers and students to discuss the studies used for managing aspects of the software process, including managerial, organizational, economic and technical. It provides an opportunity to present empirical evidence, as well as proposes new techniques, tools, frameworks and approaches to maximize the significance of software process management. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 16-01-2022, 15:51 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Spatial Predictive Modelling with R Автор: Jin Li Издательство: CRC Press Год: 2022 Формат: PDF Страниц: 404 Размер: 75 Mb Язык: English
Spatial predictive modeling (SPM) is an emerging discipline in applied sciences, playing a key role in the generation of spatial predictions in various disciplines. SPM refers to preparing relevant data, developing optimal predictive models based on point data, and then generating spatial predictions. This book aims to systematically introduce the entire process of SPM as a discipline. The process contains data acquisition, spatial predictive methods and variable selection, parameter optimization, accuracy assessment, and the generation and visualization of spatial predictions, where spatial predictive methods are from geostatistics, modern statistics, and machine learning. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 16-01-2022, 09:23 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Система модулей Java Автор: Парлог Н. Издательство: Питep Год: 2021 Формат: PDF Страниц: 464 Размер: 23 Mb Язык: Русский
Создать надёжное и безопасное приложение гораздо проще, если упаковать код в аккуратные блоки. Система модулей в Java представляет собой языковой стандарт для создания таких блоков. Теперь вы можете контролировать взаимодействия различных JAR и легко обнаруживать недостающие зависимости. Фундаментальные изменения архитектуры затронули ядро Java, начиная с версии 9. Все API ядра распространяются в виде модулей, а для библиотек, фреймворков и приложений аналогичный подход можно считать хорошей практикой и рекомендацией. Вы освоите наилучшие практики модульного проектирования, отладки приложения и его развертывания перед сдачей в продакшен. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 16-01-2022, 08:34 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: iOS Development with SwiftUI: Acquire the Knowledge and Skills to Create iOS Applications Using SwiftUI, Xcode 13, and UIKit Автор: Mukesh Sharma Издательство: BPB Publications Год: 2022 Формат: ePUB, PDF Страниц: 789 Размер: 14,8 Mb Язык: English
Learn iOS Programming Using SwiftUI Framework and Xcode "iOS Development with SwiftUI" focuses on teaching and practicing the use of SwiftUI for developing iOS applications that leverage the latest iOS features. To begin, the book covers the fundamentals of SwiftUI and its core functionalities and how to write UI without having to worry much about it. It explains the fundamental Swift syntax, data types, control statements, functions, classes, and structures, as well as methods, protocols, and closures. The book covers expert tips for adding animations with a single line of code, as well as some SwiftUI transitions. |
Разместил: vitvikvas 16-01-2022, 07:18 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Binary Tree Problems: Must for Interviews and Competitive Coding Автор: Aditya Chatterjee, Srishti Guleria, Ue Kiao Издательство: OpenGenus Год: 2021 Страниц: 363 Язык: английский Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 17.3 MB
This book “ Binary Tree Problems” is carefully crafted to present you the knowledge and practice (around the data structure, Binary Tree) needed to ace Coding Interviews and Competitive Coding Contests. The book takes you through the fundamentals of Binary Tree, presents how to implement it in a good and secure way, make you practice key problems, present variants like Threaded Binary Tree, Binary Space Partitioning Tree, Skewed Binary Tree, AVL Tree, Treap and much more. The content covered is deep and is not covered by any other standard book. Each chapter is followed by a brief note of insight which wraps up your though in the correct direction and is a feast for budding Independent Researchers. If you aspire you to a good Software Developer, you should definitely get this book. |
Разместил: Ingvar16 16-01-2022, 04:29 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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