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 Название: Childhood Re-imagined: Images and Narratives of Development in Analytical Psychology Автор: Shiho Main Издательство: Routledge Год: 2008 Формат: pdf Страниц: 216 Размер: 1 MB Язык: English What can Jungian psychology contribute to understanding children and childhood? Childhood Re-imagined considers Carl Jung's psychological approach to childhood and argues that his symbolic view deserves a place between the more traditional scientific and social-constructionist views of development. Divided into four sections this book covers: Jung on development theoretical and methodological discussion the Developmental School of analytical psychology towards a Jungian developmental psychology. |
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:26 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: The Verdict of the Court: Passing Judgment in Law and Psychology Автор: Jenny McEwan Издательство: Hart Publishing Год: 2003 Формат: pdf Страниц: 225 Размер: 1 MB Язык: English Courts are constantly required to know how people think. They may have to decide what a specific person was thinking on a past occasion; how others would have reacted to a particular situation; or whether a witness is telling the truth. Be they judges, jurors or magistrates, the law demands they penetrate human consciousness. This book questions whether the arm-chair psychology operated by fact-finders, and indeed the law itself, in its treatment of the fact-finders, bears any resemblance to the knowledge derived from psychological research. Comparing psychological theory with court verdicts in both civil and criminal contexts, it assesses where the separation between law and science is most acute, and most dangerous. |
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:23 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Maternal Encounters: The Ethics of Interruption (Women and Psychology) Автор: Lisa Baraitser Издательство: Routledge Год: 2008 Формат: pdf Страниц: 184 Размер: 1 MB Язык: English Winner of the 2009 Feminist & Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland) Book Award! Many women find mothering a shocking experience in terms of the extremity of feelings it provokes, and the profound changes it seems to prompt in identity, relationship and sense of self. However, although motherhood can catapult us into a state of internal disarray, it can also provide us with a unique chance to make ourselves anew. How then do we understand this radical potential for transformation within maternal experience? In Maternal Encounters, Lisa Baraitser takes up this question through the analysis of a series of maternal anecdotes, charting key destabilizing moments in the life of just one mother, and using these to discuss many questions that have remained resistant to theoretical analysis – the possibility for a specific feminine-maternal subjectivity, relationality and reciprocity, ethics and otherness. Working across contemporary philosophies of feminist ethics, as well as psychoanalysis and social theory, the maternal subject, in Baraitser’s account, becomes an emblematic and enigmatic formation of a subjectivity ‘called into being’ through a relation to another she comes to name and claim as her child. As she navigates through the peculiarity of maternal experience, Baraitser takes us on a journey in which ‘the mother’ emerges in the most unlikely, precarious and unstable of places as a subject of alterity, transformation, interruption, heightened sentience, viscosity, encumberment and love. This book presents a major new theory of maternal subjectivity, and an innovative and accessible way into our understanding of contemporary motherhood. As such, it will be of interest to students of family studies, gender studies, psychoanalysis, critical psychology and feminist philosophy as well as counselling and psychotherapy.
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:21 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Majoring in Psychology: Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals Автор: Jeffrey L. Helms, Daniel T. Rogers Издательство: Wiley Год: 2010 Формат: pdf Страниц: 336 Размер: 1 MB Язык: English With coverage of important preparatory issues and the key psychology subfields, Majoring in Psychology: Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals provides undergraduate students with clear, concise, research-based information on strategies to begin a successful undergraduate career in psychology.Provides the most comprehensive text on majoring in psychology currently availableDiscusses the benefits of pursuing a psychology degree and key steps to prepare for a job or graduate study in the fieldFeatures brief topical contributions written by national figures in their respective subfieldsIncorporates current data and research on diversity-related issues as well as guidance on how to ensure personality traits and abilities match the skills that potential career paths demand |
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:19 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: European Review of Social Psychology (Volume 12) Автор: Wolfgang Stroebe, Miles Hewstone Издательство: Wiley Год: 2002 Формат: pdf Страниц: 359 Размер: 24 MB Язык: English This annual series reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and the attention now being paid to European ideas and research. This review will further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work The most-up-to-date, authoritative view of contemporary social psychology today, encompassed in a indispensable reference text. Geographical spread and theoretical diversity of authors to give broad coverage The series has an experienced editorial board consisting of senior scholars from various European countries and the United States. All chapters are carefully edited to give consistency and accessibility to an international exchange of information
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:17 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY A SCIENTIST. PRACTITIONER APPROACH Автор: Seve MJex Издательство: Hoboken,N.J;J.Wlley&Sons,Inc.,2008. Год: 2002 Формат: pdf Страниц: 555 Размер: 6 MB Язык: English A comprehensive treatment of the science and practice of organizational psychologyFollowing a scientist-practitioner model, Organizational Psychology explores the practical implications of the current research in the field, expertly integrating multicultural and international issues.Beginning with a foundation of research methodology, author Steve Jex examines the behavior of individuals in organizational settings. Drawing on his experiences as a consultant and educator, he uses actual cases to illustrate workplace issues, offering balanced coverage of such key topics as occupational stress, motivation, and corporate culture. Also presented is unique information on research methods and the use of statistics in understanding organizations.With an emphasis on applying theory and research in practice, Jex explores the mechanisms that organizations use to influence employees’ behavior, addressing the major motivation theories in organizational psychology. Readers will discover how psychological models can be used to improve employee morale, productivity, and quality of service. The focus then shifts from the individual to the group level–an important distinction given the increased reliance on teams in many organizations. Jex identifies the factors that have the greatest impact on group effectiveness and examines the dynamics underlying intergroup behavior. Finally, he moves to the organization (''macro'') level, revealing a variety of ways in which organizations engage in planned change with the assistance of behavioral science knowledge.
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:14 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Tracking the White Rabbit: Essays in Subversive Psychology Автор: Lyn Cowan Издательство: Taylor and Francis Год: 2002 Формат: pdf Страниц: 152 Размер: 963 kB Язык: English Since its beginning, depth psychology has attempted to change the status quo of individual and cultural life by probing beneath surface appearances. Lyn Cowan explores a number of subjects, considering what possible meanings and implications for change might lie behind the conventional attitudes toward such subjects as:* Abortion* Gender and sexuality* Language* Memory* MelancholyThe author puts forward the argument that, although "psychology" and "subversion" are not usually thought of as belonging together, they should be. Such a view, presented clearly with humour and insight, offers a way to think differently about usual things, and yield fresh meaning to some of the pressing dilemmas of our time and how we as individuals may respond to them. |
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:12 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Ubiquitous Quantum Structure: From Psychology to Finance Автор: Andrei Y. Khrennikov (auth.) Издательство: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Год: 2010 Формат: pdf Страниц: 216 Размер: 4 MB Язык: English Quantum-like structure is present practically everywhere. Quantum-like (QL) models, i.e. models based on the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics and its generalizations can be successfully applied to cognitive science, psychology, genetics, economics, finances, and game theory.This book is not about quantum mechanics as a physical theory. The short review of quantum postulates is therefore mainly of historical value: quantum mechanics is just the first example of the successful application of non-Kolmogorov probabilities, the first step towards a contextual probabilistic description of natural, biological, psychological, social, economical or financial phenomena. A general contextual probabilistic model (V?xj? model) is presented. It can be used for describing probabilities in both quantum and classical (statistical) mechanics as well as in the above mentioned phenomena. This model can be represented in a quantum-like way, namely, in complex and more general Hilbert spaces. In this way quantum probability is totally demystified: Born's representation of quantum probabilities by complex probability amplitudes, wave functions, is simply a special representation of this type.
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:06 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy Автор: Ken Wilber Издательство: Shambhala Год: 2000 Формат: djvu Страниц: 311 Размер: 3 MB Язык: English The goal of an "integral psychology" is to honor and embrace every legitimate aspect of human consciousness under one roof. This book presents one of the first truly integrative models of consciousness, psychology, and therapy. Drawing on hundreds of sources--Eastern and Western, ancient and modern--Wilber creates a psychological model that includes waves of development, streams of development, states of consciousness, and the self, and follows the course of each from subconscious to self-conscious to superconscious. Included in the book are charts correlating over a hundred psychological and spiritual schools from around the world, including Kabbalah, Vedanta, Plotinus, Teresa of ?vila, Aurobindo, Theosophy, and modern theorists such as Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Jane Loevinger, Lawrence Kohlberg, Carol Gilligan, Erich Neumann, and Jean Gebser. Integral Psychology is Wilber's most ambitious psychological system to date, and it is already being called a landmark study in human development.
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:04 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: The Psychology of Media and Politics Автор: George Comstock, Erica Scharrer Издательство: Academic Press Год: 2005 Формат: pdf Страниц: 329 Размер: 1 MB Язык: English * Discusses such issues as political advertising, polls, debates, and journalists' pursuit of scandal * Describes why only some Americans turn out to vote in prominent elections.Research indicates that people discount their own opinions and experiences in favor of those of "experts" as espoused in the media. The framing of news coverage thus has a profound impact on public opinion, and political decision making as a response to public outcry. However, the choice of how to frame the news is typically made to solicit viewership and high ratings rather than to convey accurate and meaningful information. This book discusses why people discount their own opinions, how the media shapes the news, when this drives political decision making, and what the effect is on the future of society. Issues addressed include: * How powerful are the media in shaping political beliefs/judgment? * How has this power changed in recent years? * How does media influence voting behavior? * To what extent do media opinions affect political decision making? * Demonstrates the ways in which the media both constrain and facilitate democratic participation * Provides insight into why individuals have varying levels of attention to and interest in politics
Разместил: mihail1000 29-08-2018, 05:01 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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