Learn Watercolour Quickly: Techniques and painting secrets for the absolute beginnerКНИГИ » ЖИВОПИСЬ И РИСОВАНИЕ
Название: Learn Watercolour Quickly: Techniques and painting secrets for the absolute beginner Автор: Hazel Soan Издательство: Batsford Жанр: Рисунок, живопись Год издания: 2014 Страниц: 91 ISBN: 978-1-849941-97-6 Язык: Английский Формат: EPUB Размер: 30 Мб
Начните рисовать - всего за один день! Автор бестселлеров и художница Хейзел Соан собрала все ключевые элементы создания красивых акварелей в этом кратком, доступном и пошаговом руководстве. Книга, предназначенная для начинающих, охватывает все основные приемы от мазков до композиции и объясняет, как выбирать и смешивать цвета; выбрать тему и создать перспективу, свет и тень.
Start painting—in just one afternoon! Bestselling author and artist Hazel Soan has distilled all the key elements of creating beautiful watercolors into this concise, accessible, step-by-step guide. Geared to total beginners, Learn Watercolour Quickly covers all the basic techniques from brushstrokes to composition, and explains how to choose and mix colors; select a subject; and create perspective, light, and shade.
Introduction CHAPTER 1 What you should know about watercolour The medium of watercolour You need only the desire Be curious Creation and failure are interlinked CHAPTER 2 The stuff you need Less is more Don’t buy cheap products Brushes Paints Palette Paper Water and kitchen towel Pencil and eraser CHAPTER 3 Choosing the colours The primary colours Secondary colours Tertiary colours Transparency The fabric of the colours Colours have temperature Your first set of colours CHAPTER 4 Putting paint on paper Mixing on a palette The right amount of water The brushmarks Using the brush Try the flat brush too Painting techniques Other useful techniques Reserving the white paper Masking fluid Washes Restoring light in watercolour CHAPTER 5 Selecting a subject What makes a good subject? Shape Silhouette Negative spaces Light and shade Form Rounded forms Angular forms Space and depth Proportion Designing the picture Don’t be a slave to veracity Knowing when to stop CHAPTER 6 Go for it! Gaining confidence Index