Автор: Men's Fitness, Ben Ince, Sam Rider Название: The 50 Best High Intensity Workouts Издательство: Dennis Publishing Ltd. (MagBook) Год: 2015 ISBN: 1781064334 Формат: PDF Размер: 73.75 MB Язык: Английский Страниц: 164
Интервальные тренировки высокой интенсивности доказали, что они являются наиболее эффективным способом сжигать жир и стимулировать рост мышечной массы в кратчайшие сроки - иногда всего несколько минут на тренировку.
High-intensity training has been proven to be the most effective way to burn fat and stimulate muscle growth in the shortest time possible – sometimes just a few minutes per workout. This book harnesses the science and reveals the workouts that will transform your training. So stop wasting time in the gym, and get leaner and stronger… faster.
In this book we've selected 11 different training methods that will get you training at a sky-high intensity. From bodyweight exercise tabatas that take just four minutes to mixed-kit cluster-set circuits that will get you building muscle at the same time as burning fat, and even modified strongman drills that will give you the engine and endurance to match your lean muscle and low body fat, this book is bursting with fun and effective workouts.