Автор: Yifeng Zhou, Thomas Kunz Название: Ad Hoc Networks: 9th International Conference, AdHocNets 2017 Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, September 28–29, 2017 Proceedings Издательство: Springer Год: 2017 ISBN: 9783319744384 Серия: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (Book 223) Язык: English Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 15,3 mb Страниц: 217
The 19 full papers were selected from 30 submissions and cover a variety of network paradigms including mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), sensor networks, vehicular networks, underwater networks, airborne networks, underground networks, personal area networks, device-to-device (D2D) communications in 5G cellular networks, and home networks. The papers present a wide range of applications in civilian, commercial, and military areas.
Underwater Networking
Doppler Effect in the Underwater Acoustic Ultra Low Frequency Band Abdel-Mehsen Ahmad, Michel Barbeau, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Jamil Kassem, Evangelos Kranakis and Steven Porretta
The Sound of Communication in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (Position Paper) Michel Barbeau, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Evangelos Kranakis and Steven Porretta
Applying Utility Theory to Improve Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Mission Playload Planning and Replanning Valerie Winschel
Challenges of Misbehavior Detection in Industrial Wireless Networks Sebastian Henningsen, Stefan Dietzel and Bj?rn Scheuermann
A New Look at an Old Attack:? ARP Spoofing to Create Routing Loops in Ad Hoc Networks J. David Brown and Tricia J. Willink
Investigating Spectrum Sensing Security Threats in Cognitive Radio Networks Sekgoari Mapunya and Mthulisi Velempini
Integrating Intrusion Response Functionality into the MANET Specific Dynamic Intrusion Detection Hierarchy Architecture Manpreet Kaur, Dale Lindskog and Pavol Zavarsky
Vehicular Networks
Source Mobility in Vehicular Named-Data Networking:? An Overview Joao M. Duarte, Torsten Braun and Leandro A. Villas
Flow-Level Simulation for Adaptive Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Kais Elmurtadi Suleiman and Otman Basir
Control Overhead Reduction in Cluster-Based VANET Routing Protocol Ahmad Abuashour and Michel Kadoch
Ariel Networks and Routing
A Hierarchical Framework for Estimating the Performance of an Aerial Network Kamesh Namuduri, Amjad Soomro and Srinivasa Kiran Gottapu
An Efficient Routing and Interface Assignment Algorithm for Multi-Channel Multi-Interface (MCMI) Ad Hoc Networks Yifeng Zhou
Exploiting Multiple Beam Antennas for End-to-End Delay Reduction in Ad Hoc Networks Jean-Daniel Medjo Me Biomo, Thomas Kunz and Marc St-Hilaire
Trajectory and Buffer Aware Message Forwarding for Multiple Cooperating UAVs in Message Ferry Networks Mehdi Harounabadi and Andreas Mitschele-Thiel
Cellular Networks, Sensor Networks
Caching and Computing at the Edge for Mobile Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR/?VR) in 5G Melike Erol-Kantarci and Sukhmani Sukhmani
Evaluation of a Location Reporting System for mmWave Communication Yudong Fang, Wilson Tsang, Bernard Doray and Yonghong Huang
Fair Scheduling of Two-Hop Transmission with Energy Harvesting Andrey Garnaev and Wade Trappe
EEHCCP:? An Energy-Efficient Hybrid Clustering Communication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network Rohit Pachlor and Deepti Shrimankar
A Model for Self-deployment of Autonomous Mobile Sensor Network in an Unknown Indoor Environment Khouloud Eledlebi, Dymitr Ruta, Fabrice Saffre, Yousof Al-Hammadi and A. F. Isakovic
Author Index