Название: Black & Decker Codes for Homeowners Автор: Bruce Barker Издательство: Creative Publishing international Год: 2012 Страниц: 240 ISBN: 978-1589237216 Формат: pdf, epub Размер: 104 Mб Язык: english
A graphic, highly user-friendly guide to national codes for residential construction. Codes for Homeowners uses clear photographs to show exactly how the parts of your house are supposed to look once the work is done. Written by International Residential Codes-certified home inspector Bruce Barker, this second edition of Codes for Homeowners is current with most national codes in force for the period of 2012 through 2014. Based on his decades of experience, Inspector Bruce has winnowed down the massive heap of codes in force to only those that a single-family homeowner is likely to encounter. Building codes, electrical codes, plumbing codes and mechanical (HVAC) codes are shown and described in everyday language. The 2nd edition includes all of the great information in the first version but is updated to reflect any changes in the codes in force, including the National Electrical Code, the Universal Plumbing Code and the International Residential Code.
Introduction Codes & Permits: The Basics Building Design & Safety Habitable Rooms Fire Separations Stairways Emergency Escape Openings Egress Doors Exterior Doors Ventilation & Exhaust Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms Clearances for Cooking Equipment Structural Components Foundations Crawlspaces Decks Floor Systems Wall Systems Wall Penetration Flashing Roof Systems Exterior Components Shingle Roof-Covering Installation Fireplaces & Chimneys Heating & Air Conditioning HVAC Appliances HVAC Duct Installation Combustion Air for Fuel-burning Appliances Vents for Fuel-burning Appliances Plumbing System The Home Plumbing System Water Supply Piping Drain, Waste & Vent Piping (DWV) Plumbing Vents Plumbing Traps Plumbing Appliances & Fixtures Electrical System Understanding Electrical Circuits Electrical Grounding & Bonding Electrical Branch Circuit Requirements Electrical Receptacle Installation Ground-fault (GFCI) & Arc-fault (AFCI) Protection Junction Boxes, Device Boxes & Enclosures Switch Installation Light Fixture Installation Satellite Dishes, Television & Radio Antennas Broadband Cable Wiring Appendix Conversion Chart Resources Photography Credits Index
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