Project management for environmental, construction and manufacturing engineers: a manual for putting theory into practiceКНИГИ » ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Название: Project management for environmental, construction and manufacturing engineers: a manual for putting theory into practice Автор: Nolberto Munier; Fernando Jime?nez-Sa?ez; Marta Ferna?ndez-Diego Издательство: Dordrecht; New York: Springer Год: 2013 Формат: pdf Страниц: 508 Размер: 15,1 mb Язык: English
In addition to the many examples that illustrate procedures, the book includes over 25 case studies, each one addressing a specific theme. Key topics, such as project selection, negotiations, planning and scheduling, cost and budgeting, project control, human resources, environmental impacts, risk management, and financial evaluation, are discussed, using a step-by-step approach. Beginning at the grassroots level, some cases are solved by hand to illustrate the mechanics of a procedure, while others are solved using advanced computer programs. In this way the reader has a clear idea of the problem, how and when to raise the issue, information needed (and who can provide it), how to solve it by hand, when possible, and also its resolution using the latest informatics tools.
1 Introduction and Road Map to Project Management 1
1.1 Some Definitions 2 1.1.1 Project 2 1.1.2 Project Management 2 1.1.3 Construction Project Management 2 1.1.4 Construction Management 2 1.2 Book Organization 2 1.3 Strategic Sequence for Project Management 3 1.4 Sequence of Processes in the Project Life Cycle 4 1.4.1 The Five Essential Functions in Project Management 6 1.4.2 General and Useful Points to Take into Account 6 1.5 Chapter Structure 8 1.6 Tables for Performing Actioas in the Different Groups 8 1.6.1 First Group: Initiation 8 1.6.2 Second Group: Planning 31 1.6.3 Third Group: Execution and Overseeing 33 1.6.4 Fourth Group: Monitoring and Control 34 1.6.5 Fifth Group: Closing 35 1.7 Project Charter 35 1.8 Project Management Plan 35 1.9 Organizational Process Assets 36 1.10 Statement of Work (SOW) 36 1.11 Conclusion of This Chapter 36 References 36
2 Project Innovation and Design 37
2.1 Definition 37 2.2 Projects Origins 38 2.3 Innovation and Project Management 39 2.4 CASE STUDY: Development of a Tool for Decision-Making 39 2.4.1 Background Information 39 2.4.2 Research 40 2.4.3 Fundamentals 41 2.4.4 The Next Market 41 2.5 Conclusion of This Chapter 42 References 42 3 Leadership and Negotiation for Project Management 43 3.1 Part One: Leadership 43 3.1.1 Project Manager Attributes 43 3.2 Part Two: Negotiation in Projects 45 3.2.1 Introduction 45 3.2.2 The Negotiation Process 48 3.2.3 CASE STUDY: Identifying the Problem 51 3.2.4 Conclusion of This Chapter 53 References 53
4 Project Strategic Planning 55
4.1 Introduction 55 4.2 Tools for Strategic Planning 56 4.3 Elements of Strategic Planning 56 4.4 CASE STUDY: Commercialization and Distribution of an Imported Food Product into the USA Market 57 4.4.1 Background Information 57 4.4.2 SWOT Analysis 57 4.4.3 Analysis of This Case 61 4.5 Conclusion 61 4.6 Suggested Procedure for Strategic Planning 61 4.6.1 State the Goal and Analyze Factors and Potential Risks 61 4.6.2 Consider Other Strategies 62 4.6.3 Perform a Market Study and Analyze Potential Variations 62 4.6.4 Study Custom Laws and Taxes 63 4.6.5 Think About Facilities 63 4.6.6 Operations 63 4.6.7 Monitoring and Control 63 4.6.8 Final Comments 63 4.7 Strategic Planning in Remedial Work 64 4.8 Conclusion of This Chapter 64 References 64
5 Project Impact on the Environment 65
5.1 The Environment Importance in Projects 65 5.2 Detection of Impacts Produced by a Project 66 5.3 Impact Identification 66 5.4 CASE STUDY: Construction of a Dam for a Hydro Electric Project 69 5.5 Projects Designed to Protect the Environment 70 5.6 CASE STUDY: The Hidden Contamination in Manufacturing 71 5.6.1 Background Information 71 5.6.2 Life Cycle Computation 71 5.6.3 Analysis 71 5.7 Closing a Project 72 5.8 Conclusion of This Chapter 72 References 73
6 Project Risk Management 75
6.1 The Importance of Coasidering Risk in Projects 75 6.2 The Purpose of This Chapter 75 6.3 Definition of Project Risk 76 6.3.1 Risk Classification 76 6.4 Risk Components 77 6.4.1 Different Threats in Projects or Risk Factors 77 6.4.2 Assets Under Threat 77 6.4.3 Probability of Occurrence 77 6.4.4 Outcomes and Impacts 79 6.4.5 Measuring the Risk 80 6.4.6 Safeguards 81 6.5 Project Risk Management 82 6.5.1 Risk Assessment 83 6.5.2 Risk Identification 83 6.5.3 Risk Analysis 84 6.5.4 Risk Evaluation 84 6.5.5 Risk Treatment 84 6.5.6 Risk Monitoring and Controlling 85 6.6 International Risk Standard 85 6.7 CASE STUDY: Software Development Project 85 6.8 Conclusion of This Chapter 88 References 89
7 Project Economic and Financial Evaluation 91
7.1 The Investment Cycle 91 7.1.1 Financing the Project Through Bank Loaas 92 7.1.2 Applications of Funds 92 7.1.3 Preparation of the Investment During the Construction Period 92 7.1.4 Depreciation and Taxes 93 7.1.5 Reinvestment 94 7.1.6 Operating Costs 94 7.1.7 Working Capital (WC 94 7.1.8 Difference Between Fixed Assets and Working Capital % 7.1.9 Project Manager Involvement % 7.2 The Investment Cycle in Statements % 7.2.1 The Balance Sheet 97 7.2.2 Cash Flow Statement 97 7.2.3 Income Statement 97 7.2.4 Project Analysis 97 7.3 Sensitivity Analysis 98 7.4 Sequence to Prepare an Economic and Financial Analysis for a Project 98 7.5 CASE STUDY: Construction of a Copper Concentration Plant 98 7.5.1 Background Information 99 7.5.2 Investment During Construction 99 7.5.3 Taxes During the Construction Period 99 7.5.4 Financing 99 7.5.5 General Specifications 100 7.5.6 Operating Costs 101 7.5.7 Working Capital 101 7.5.8 Statement of Project Analysis 101 7.5.9 Sensitivity Financial Analysis 102 7.5.10 Final Remarks on This Example 103 7.6 Breakeven Point Diagram 103 7.7 Conclusion of This Chapter 104 References 104
8 Project Selection and Decision-Making 105
8.1 What Is the Decision-Making Activity in Project Management 105 8.2 The Decision-Making Process in Projects 107 8.2.1 Rio Colorado Basin Study, Argentina 109 8.2.2 Scheduling Bridge Repairs, Canada 110 8.2.3 Selection of a Manageable Set of Urban or Regional Indicators to Measure the State of the Environment 110 8.3 Different Methods 110 8.4 The Simus Method for Decision-Making 110 8.5 CASE STUDY: Construction of a Gas 111 8.5.1 Background Infonnation Ill 8.5.2 Establishing the Mathematical Model 112 8.5.3 Sensitivity Analysis 114 8.5.4 Projects with Several Objectives 115 8.6 Vendor Selection 116 8.7 Conclusion of This Chapter 116 References 116
9 Project Planning and Scheduling 119
9.1 Planning the Work Related with a Project. 119 9.1.1 Requesting Information About Tasks and Activities 119 9.1.2 Planning for Manufacturing Projects 120 9.1.3 CASE STUDY: The Critical Path Method (CPM) - Planning a Water Supply System to Create a Water Park 120 9.2 Scheduling the Job 123 9.2.1 Constructing the S-curve 123 9.2.2 Working in Parallel 123 9.2.3 Shortening the Duration of a Project 124 9.3 The Master Schedule 124 9.3.1 Merging Networks 124 9.3.2 Preparing the Master Schedule with All Subprojects Merged 126 9.4 CASE STUDY: Developing the Basic Engineering for an Automobile Plant 126 9.4.1 Project Background Information 128 9.4.2 Bidding for Consultancy Services to Develop Mechanical Basic Engineering 128 9.4.3 Teamic Organization for This Project 128 9.4.4 Determining Scope of Work 128 9.4.5 Establishing the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS 131 9.4.6 Establishing Consultants’Responsibilities 131 9.4.7 Integration and Linkages Between Intervening Project Consultants 133 9.4.8 Relationship and Communication with Owner 133 9.4.9 Acquiring Project Team - Determining Type and Qualification of Staff Needed 133 9.4.10 Team Rcspoasibility Matrix 134 9.4.11 Preparing Schedule of Meetings for the Project Team and Suppliers 134 9.4.12 Planning and Scheduling TEAMIC’s Own Work 134 9.4.13 Preparing the Master Schedule Including Merging Programs from Different Contractors 135 9.4.14 The S-curvc 140 9.4.15 Budget Preparation and Schedule of Funds Needed 140 9.5 Data Needed When Using Dedicated Computer Software for Planning, Scheduling and Budgeting 140 9.6 Shortening the Duration of a Project 141 9.7 Updating the Progress of Work 141 9.8 Finishing the Project 142 9.9 Closing This Project 142 9.10 Managing Uncertainty - The PERT 144 9.10.1 The Workings of the Pert Method 144 9.10.2 CASE STUDY: Uncertainty in the Valley Remediation Project 144 9.11 Crashing the Schedule 146 9.11.1 CASE STUDY: Accelerating Launching of an Industrial Product 147 9.12 Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM 149 9.13 Conclusion of This Chapter 150 References 150
10 Project Materials Management 151
10.1 Determining Materials and Equipment Needs 151 10.2 Delivery at Job Site 152 10.3 Manufacturing Projects 152 10.4 Steps in the Procurement Process 153 10.4.1 E-procurement 153 10.5 Equipment Delivery Status Report 153 10.5.1 CASE STUDY: Controlling Equipment Delivery for a Mall Construction 153 10.5.2 Inspection 157 10.5.3 Materials Deliveries for the Project 158 10.6 The Gozinto Diagram for Manufacturing 158 10.7 CASE STUDY: Contractors Selection for Construction of a Copper Refinery 158 10.7.1 Background Information - General Objective 158 10.7.2 Selection Criteria 158 10.8 Conclusion of This Chapter 158 References 160
11 Project Communications and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP 161
11.1 Reporting Advance and Development of Project 161 11.1.1 The Weekly Progress Report 161 11.2 Meetings 164 11.3 Additional Communication Means 165 11.4 CASE STUDY: Diagnosis in an Enterprise and Proposal to Install an ERP System 166 11.4.1 Background Information 166 11.4.2 Areas Involved in the Industrial Process 166 11.4.3 Structural Organization 166 11.4.4 Industrial Processes 166 11.4.5 Necessary Inputs 167 11.5 Procedure to Install and ERP System 167 11.5.1 Road Map for a Purchase Order from a Client 168 11.5.2 Symptoms and Problems Detected During the Examination of the Existent System 168 11.5.3 Analysis of the Situation 170 11.5.4 Diagnosis of the Situation 170 11.5.5 Selecting the ERP Program to Implement 171 11.6 Conclusions of This Case and Recommendations 171 11.7 Conclusion of This Chapter 171 References 172
12 Project Cost and Budgeting 173
12.1 Some Definitions 173 12.1.1 The Three Aspects of Cost Management 173 12.1.2 Benefits 177 12.1.3 Sensitivity Analysis for Costs 178 12.1.4 Work Breakdown Structure and Dictionary 178 12.1.5 Quantities Takeoff 178 12.1.6 Aspects to Take into Account When Developing a Cost Estimate 178 12.1.7 Methods for Cost Estimating 179 12.2 CASE STUDY: Estimating Costs for a Retaining Wall 181 12.2.1 Examination of Cost Estimates 181 12.3 Budgeting 182 12.4 CASE STUDY: Budget Determination for Construction of a Dwellings Complex 182 12.4.1 The Two Extreme Budget Curves 182 12.5 Conclusion of This Chapter 185 References 185
13 Human Resources Planning in Projects 187
13.1 Introduction 187 13.2 Working with People 187 13.2.1 The Worker as an Individual Human Being 187 13.2.2 Worker Integration in a Team 188 13.2.3 Job Location 188 13.2.4 Summary 189 13.3 Diagnosing Existing Problems 190 13.4 CASE STUDY: Analyzing Existent Personnel Problems in an Organization 190 13.4.1 Background Information 190 13.4.2 Process Sectors 190 13.4.3 Comments on This Case 193 13.5 Conclusion of This Chapter 193 References 193
14 Project Safety Management 195
14.1 Safety in Projects 195 14.2 Accidents Prevention 195 14.3 Hazards Identification 14.4 Evaluate Safety Risks 14.5 Safety Control 14.6 Reporting Accidents 200 14.7 Conclusion for This Chapter 200 References 200
15 Project Quality Management 201
15.1 What Is Quality 201 15.2 Goal for Quality and Its with Diverse Areas of the Project 201 15.3 Quality Assurance 202 15.4 Something About the Norms 202 15.5 The ISO/DIS 21500 - Guidance Project Management 203 15.6 Example of Quality Controls for a Consulting Company 203 15.7 Quality in Manufacturing 204 15.8 The Kano Model 204 15.9 The Quality Factor Deployment Model (QFD) 205 15.10 CASE STUDY: Launching a New Portable Music Player 205 15.11 Cost of Qual ity (COQ) 207 15.12 Total Quality Management (TQM) 207 15.13 Conclusion of This Chapter 207 References 208
16 Project Monitoring and Project Control 209
16.1 Monitoring the Work - Time, Costs and Performance 209 16.1.1 Comparison of Curves 210 16.1.2 CASE STUDY: Planning, Scheduling Control for an Underpass Construction Project 211 16.1.3 CASE STUDY: Contractor’s Cost Report in an Underground Stormwater Storage Project 216 16.1.4 Computer Updating 217 16.2 Monitoring Installations 218 16.2.1 Change Orders and Claims 218 16.3 Controlling Time and Costs - Finding Possible Causes for Deviations and Proposing Solutions 221 16.3.1 Graphical Information of Work Done 222 16.3.2 Learning Curve 222 16.4 Controlling Manpower (MP) and Man-Hours (MH 225 16.4.1 Initial Conditions 225 16.4.2 CASE STUDY: Man-Power Control in the Construction of a Chemical Plant 225 16.4.3 Man-Power and Man-Hours 227 16.5 Combined Labor Progress and Man-Hours Performance Report in an Ore Treatment Plant Project 229 16.6 Cost Estimate at Completion 230 16.6.1 CASE STUDY: Estimate at Completion Report in a Textile Mill Expansion Project 232 16.7 Controlling Work Certificates 232 16.8 Controlling Aggregates and Other Inputs 233 16.8.1 CASE STUDY: Construction of an Urban Park 233 16.9 Controlling Compliance of Strategic Planning 234 16.10 Controlling Equipment Status 234 16.11 Controlling Drawings Production 234 16.12 Controlling the Issue of Technical Reports 235 16.13 Factors Affecting Production 236 16.13.1 CASE STUDY: Determining Factors Affecting Production in Hand Tools Manufacturing 236 16.14 Forecasting Techniques 237 16.14.1 CASE STUDY: Forecasting Average Daily Advance and Prediction for a Mountain Road Project 237 16.14.2 Prediction 239 16.15 Production of As-Built Drawings 240 16.16 Controlling Quality 240 16.17 Controlling Environmental Protection 240 16.18 Controlling Risk 241 16.19 Controlling Compliance of Safety Regulations 241 16.20 Conclusion of This Chapter 241 References 241
17 Project Closing 243
17.1 The Importance of Proper Closing of a Project 243 17.2 Closing the Project with Suppliers 245 17.3 Closing the Projects with Hired Personnel 245 17.4 Conclusion of This Chapter 245