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 Название: Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Applications, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded Автор: David A. Weston Издательство: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Год: 2001 Формат: PDF Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Страниц: 858 Размер: 103.21 МБ Язык: English
This totally revised and expanded reference/text provides comprehensive, single-source coverage of the design, problem solving, and specifications of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) into electrical equipment/systems-including new information on basic theories, applications, evaluations, prediction techniques, and practical diagnostic options for preventing EMI through cost-effective solutions. Offers the most recent guidelines, safety limits, and standards for human exposure to electromagnetic fields! Containing updated data on EMI diagnostic verification measurements, as well as over 900 drawings, photographs, tables, and equations-500 more than the previous edition. |
Разместил: ak5812 24-12-2018, 07:24 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: High Voltage Circuit Breakers: Design and Applications, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded Автор: Ruben D. Garzon Издательство: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Год: 2002 Формат: PDF Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Страниц: 473 Размер: 18.86 МБ Язык: English
This newly revised and updated reference presents sensible approaches to the design, selection, and usage of high-voltage circuit breakers-highlighting compliance issues concerning new and aging equipment to the evolving standards set forth by the American National Standards Institute and the International Electrotechnical Commission. This edition features the latest advances in mechanical and dielectric design and application from a simplified qualitative perspective. |
Разместил: ak5812 24-12-2018, 06:46 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Технология формных процессов. Учебник Автор: Полянский H.H., Карташева O.A., Надирова Е.Б. Издательство: М.:МГУП Год: 2007 Формат: pdf Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Страниц: 364 Размер: 46,6 МБ Язык: русский
Изложены общие сведения о полиграфическом производстве и печатных формах, рассмотрены теоретические и практические методы аналоговых и цифровых технологий изготовления печатных форм плоской офсетной, высокой (типографской и флексографской) и глубокой печати, а также даны краткие сведения из истории формных процессов. |
Разместил: vikCAT 23-12-2018, 20:03 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: CVD Diamond for Electronic Devices and Sensors Автор: Edited by Ricardo S. Sussmann Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Год: 2009 Формат: PDF Страниц: 582 Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Размер: 45,42 MB Язык: English
Synthetic diamond is diamond produced by using chemical or physical processes. Like naturally occurring diamond it is composed of athree-dimensional carbon crystal. Due to its extreme physical properties, synthetic diamond is used in many industrial applications, such as drill bits and scratch-proof coatings, andhas the potential to be used in many new application areas. |
Разместил: ak5812 23-12-2018, 18:13 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Polymer Materials for Energy and Electronic Applications Автор: Huisheng Peng, Xuemei Sun, Wei Weng, Xin Fang Издательство: Academic Press Год: 2017 Формат: PDF Страниц: 373 Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Размер: 27.56 MB Язык: English
Polymer Materials for Energy and Electronic Applications is among the first books to systematically describe the recent developments in polymer materials and their electronic applications. It covers the synthesis, structures, and properties of polymers, along with their composites. In addition, the book introduces, and describes, four main kinds of electronic devices based on polymers, including energy harvesting devices, energy storage devices, light-emitting devices, and electrically driving sensors. |
Разместил: ak5812 23-12-2018, 10:48 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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Название: Mechatronic Components: Roadmap to Design Автор: Emin Faruk Kececi Издательство: Butterworth-Heinemann Год: 2018 Формат: True PDF, epub Страниц: 249 Размер: 48.5 Mb, 73.9 Mb Язык: English
Mechatronic Components: Roadmap to Design explains the practical application of mechatronics, including sections on adaptive structures, robotics and other areas where mechanics and electronics converge. Professional engineers in a variety of areas will find this textbook to be extremely helpful with its in-depth use of flow diagrams and schemes that help readers understand the logic behind the design of such systems. Using approximately 130 different components with diagrams and flowcharts that help engineers from different fields understand the general properties and selection criteria of a component, this book presents a comprehensive resource on mechatronic components. |
Разместил: bomboane 23-12-2018, 10:04 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Defects in Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Low Dimensional Structures Автор: Edited by Jan Stehr, Irina Buyanova, Weimin Chen Издательство: Woodhead Publishing Год: 2018 Формат: PDF Страниц: 309 Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Размер: 10,9 MB Язык: English
Defects in Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Low Dimensional Structures provides a comprehensive review on the recent progress in solving defect issues and deliberate defect engineering in novel material systems. It begins with an overview of point defects in ZnO and group-III nitrides, including irradiation-induced defects, and then look at defects in one and two-dimensional materials, including carbon nanotubes and graphene. |
Разместил: ak5812 23-12-2018, 09:32 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Second Edition Автор: Christos Christopoulos Издательство: CRC Press Год: 2007 Формат: PDF Страниц: 507 Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Размер: 29,56 MB Язык: English
Circuits are faster and more tightly packed than ever, wireless technologies increase the electromagnetic (EM) noise environment, new materials entail entirely new immunity issues, and new standards govern the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Maintaining the practical and comprehensive approach of its predecessor, Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Second Edition reflects these emerging challenges and new technologies introduced throughout the decade since the first edition appeared. |
Разместил: ak5812 23-12-2018, 09:13 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: Основы цифровой обработки сигналов (2018) Автор: Коберниченко В.Г. Издательство: Екатеринбург: Уральский федеральный университет Год: 2018 Формат: pdf, djvu Страниц: 150 Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Размер: 15 mb Язык: Русский
Приведено краткое введение в необходимый математический аппарат и основные понятия цифровой обработки сигналов. Рассмотрены модели и преобразования дискретных и цифровых сигналов. Особое внимание уделено алгоритмам быстрого преобразования Фурье и их применению при цифровом спектральном анализе. Рассмотрены методы описания, классификации и методика проектирования линейных цифровых фильтров, анализируются эффекты квантования и округления в цифровых фильтрах. |
Разместил: na5ballov 23-12-2018, 09:00 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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 Название: High Reliability Magnetic Devices: Design and Fabrication Автор: Colonel Wm. T. McLyman Издательство: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Год: 2002 Формат: PDF Для сайта: mymirknig.ru Страниц: 353 Размер: 12,34 МБ Язык: English
Showcasing the most authoritative information, this book features step-by-step instructions on ordering raw materials, choosing construction techniques, conducting in-process inspection, performing end-item testing, and providing quality assurance recommendations to improve reliability and minimize cost. Providing 400 easy-to-follow illustrations, the book features discussions on the maximization of output power in transformer design, toroidal powder core selection, transformer and inductor losses, eddy currents and insulation, annealing and stress-relief in magnetic cores, magnet wire and electrical insulating materials, soldering and magnet wire termination, and more. |
Разместил: ak5812 22-12-2018, 22:06 | Комментарии: 0 | Подробнее
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